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2005 Delegate Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2005
2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Joint Board Meeting

AZAD Chairman Bob Shaff called the meeting of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Executive Boards to order at 10:39 am. Present were: Diane Cooney, Ellen Kulie, Kaye Quentin, Bob Shaff, Judy Thompson, Ben Carpenter, Michael Gillen, Jim Bartos, and Mary Murphy. Bob welcomed Mary Murphy Director of Conference Advisory and Jim Bartos, Membership Chairman.

Bob asked if everyone if they wanted to continue the monthly winners for AZAD membership. Board members have chosen to continue with this program.

Judy Sorensen, Omaha’s Henry Doorley Zoo, will be asked to chair the education grant committee and choose two new members for the committee. The board decided it would be best if the entire education grant committee didn’t get changed every year.

Judy Thompson informed the other board members that she will continue to assist with Conference Advisory duties until Mary Murphy returns home. She will also continue to accept funds for the St. Augustine trip.

The board presented the departing board members with thank you gifts in appreciation of their service to AZAD. Both thanked the other board members.

Bob Shaff, departing Membership Chair, and Judy Thompson, departing Conference Advisory, left the meeting.

The election of the 2005-2006 AZAD Chairman was held. Diane Cooney was elected.

Ben Carpenter, Professional Registered Parliamentarian and Memphis Zoo Docent, was reappointed AZAD Parliamentarian.

Board Member Reports

Conference Advisory

Mary Murphy had no additional reports. She did state that she has been given some names of member organizations that might be interested in hosting future conferences. She will report back to the board with any new developments. Mary will also report the names of her committee members after the conference.


Michael Gillen passed around a sheet to have all board mem- bers list their contact information. The completed list will be sent to all board members. He also asked if they were missing anything from their board books and find that they are missing something at a later date, they can contact him and replacement documents will be mailed. Michael Gillen has also asked that everyone send him their committee members as soon as possible after the conference.


Diane then announced the following committee appointments: Extension Committee Members - Dave Heim (Brookfield Zoo) and Mary Anne Lefevre (Phoenix Zoo); they are working on the database survey and will be getting it compiled in a format so that it can be accessible. She hopes to have something ready by the interim. Travel Committee - Roberta (Bert) DeVries (Philadelphia Zoo), Chair, has one vacancy on her committee since Mary has joined the board and one filled (Gail Neher, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo), members; Webmaster - Liz Turner (Houston Zoo) selected members Carissa Cooney (Lincoln Park Memorial Gardens), Trish Abbene (Saint Louis Zoo) and Jane Barron (Zoo Atlanta).

Elizabeth Lyons, Chair of AZAD 2005, gave an update on the 2005 conference. She gave us a run down of the schedule of speakers for the banquet.

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum - The Chairperson gave the presentation for the Arizona-Senora Desert Museum regional conference. Their theme is “Treasure the Desert.” The dates for the conference are Sept 15-17. They are finalizing the details of the conference. They did provide their proposed budget for the conference. The registration fees are as follows: $80 early, $90 regular, and $100 for late. They have limited the conference to 200 people.

Columbus Zoo - The chairperson gave the presentation for the Columbus Zoo Regional Conference and Delegates meeting. Their theme will be “Protect, Educate, Conserve”. The dates for the conference are July 20th-23rd. They also provided their proposed budget. Their registration fees are as follows: $85 early, $95 regular, and $105 for late. They have limited the conference to 300 people.

The proposed budgets for the Columbus Zoo and Arizona-Sonora Desert were approved.

Saint Louis Zoo - The chairperson gave the presentation for the 2007 National Conference in St. Louis. The dates for the conference are Tuesday Sept 25 through 30th 2007. The title for the 2007 national conference is “All Aboard for Conservation”. They are still finalizing plans for the conference. They will be at the Columbus Zoo Regional conference to give the board an update.


Jim Bartos had nothing to report.


Ellen said that the next newsletter deadline was Oct 12.

Public Relations

Kaye announced that the members of the Public Relations Committee would be Marge Drugay (Arizona Sonora Desert Museum) and she will contact Carole Hughes (Houston Zoo) to see if she is interested in serving on the committee again.


Signature cards would be sent out at a later date since she was unable to attend the conference due to the hurricane.

Unfinished Business

There was no Unfinished business.

New Business

It was decided to reappoint Carol Petrone, Detroit Zoo, as the chairperson for the Bylaws committee. She will then choose her committee members.

Announcements- Jim Bartos will check on possible interim meeting dates for late February or early March. He will send the board some possible dates and we will select from those.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:33 pm.

Michael J Gillen, Secretary