AZAD Chairman Diane Cooney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, 20 July 2006 at the Columbus Zoo; Columbus OH. She welcomed the Delegates and observers to the meeting. She then had the Executive Board introduce themselves: Michael J Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary; Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo, Membership Chairman; Ben Carpenter, Memphis Zoo, Board appointed Parliamentarian; Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Diane Cooney, Cameron Park Zoo, Director - Extension; Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director - Public Relations; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director - Conference Advisory and Joni Sutphen, Houston Zoo, Treasurer.
Diane introduced 2006 Regional Conference Co-Chairs Joyce Talkowski and Jim Bartos.
Diane then introduced Marlin Tanner, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. He informed everyone that the registration for the Regional conference in Arizona has closed. He stated that they have approximately 130 registrations for the conference.
Kathy Cookman, Columbus Zoo, gave the report of the Credentials Committee. Forty-one delegates were seated at the call to order, one joined the meeting later. The number of eligible votes was forty-two delegates plus seven Executive Board members for a total of forty-nine votes. The delegates adopted the report of the Credentials Committee.
Diane Cooney, Director - Extension read the roll call of zoos/aquariums.
David Sansing, Toledo Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee Member read the Convention Rules as published in the newsletter. The Convention Rules were adopted.
Joyce Talkowski, Columbus Zoo Conference Chair, gave the report of the Program Committee. She stated that there are approximately 200 docents registered representing 56 zoos. Joyce welcomed everyone and thanked the conference committee members. She recognized the committee members in attendance at the delegates meeting. She informed everyone that there were no changes to the program list provided to the docents at the time they registered.
Jim Bartos, Membership Chairman, stated that as of July 2006 there were 121 Organizational members and 2288 individual members of AZAD. Of this number, 2164 were Active Docents, 65 were Associate members and 59 were Inactive Docents. Since AZAD 2005, there had been an increase of 131 AZAD individual members, and an increase of 7 Organizational members. The following zoos/aquariums were new and/or rejoining members since AZAD 2005: Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham, AL; National Aviary in Pittsburgh Volunteers, Pittsburgh, PA; Honolulu Zoo Society, Honolulu, HI; Albuquerque Biological Park, Albuquerque, NM; Prospect Park Zoo - Wildlife Conservation Society, Brooklyn, NY; El Paso Zoological Society, El Paso, TX; Oglebay’s Good Zoo, Wheeling, WV; and Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta GA. He reported that the following Organizational member did not renew their membership: Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA. Several zoos received a “Final Notice” letter. Monterey Bay Aquarium was the only one which did not respond.
Joan Sutphen gave the financial report for the fiscal year ending 31 October 2005. She thanked the members of the Budget and Finance Committee during her three plus years in office, Lynette Simonson, The Living Desert Zoo, Michael J. Gillen, Riverside Zoo, and Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo (the 2006 Treasurer nominee) who joined the committee for their service. Total funds in were $53,856 and were comprised of $41,050 of operating funds mainly budgeted items including membership dues, merchandise sales and interest income. In addition we received $3,166 in travel insurance rebates as a result of AZAD sponsored trips. Additionally, $12,806 was received from unbudgeted sources: of this $12,000 was received as return of conference assistance funds from the Philadelphia Zoo. In addition, travel rebates of $800 were received from AZAD sponsored trips.
Total funds paid out were $45,609; funds in exceeded funds paid out by $8,246. The ending balance of $115,115 was comprised of a checking account balance of $48,020, funds invested in certificates of deposit of $66,142 and cost of merchandise inventory of $953. The ending fund balance is reserved for the following purposes: Major Purchases Fund, $549; Disaster Relief Fund, $500; Future Projects Fund, $6,921; Southeast Regional Conference Fund, $500; $48,020 reserved for one year’s operating expenses; and $58,625 for unrestricted uses.
Joan then asked the delegates to consider the letter from Wade & Company, LLP, and a Houston-based CPA firm. This firm completed the Agreed Upon Procedures report and the organization’s annual tax return. He read the following statement from the report: “In summary, all deposits and disbursements as reported in the bank state- ments for the above noted period have been included in the Treasurer’s report of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balances that is provided to the Board.” A full copy of the report to the Executive Board on the Agreed Upon Procedures was posted in the Hospitality Room following the Delegates’ Meeting.
Joan addressed the proposed budget for 2006-2007. She asked that everyone refer to the proposed budget that they received in their delegate’s packet. The budget incorporates a 12.8% increase in expenditures over last year’s budget and a 5.5% increase in income. She explained that there was a budgeted deficit and that the board has decided to not increase membership dues but use unrestricted funds to cover the budgeted deficit. She also asked that the delegates refer to the two new line items in the Expense portion of the budget noted in italics. First, we are including a small budget allowance for the Education Grant Committee to cover miscellaneous expenses such as postage, etc. We also propose identifying those expenses associated with the Delegate’s meeting, primarily photo- copying and shipping, as a separate item rather than including them in the normal budgeted expenses of each board position. A question came from the floor regarding the high dollar amount that is in the checking account.
Joni informed the delegates that the board feels that we should keep one years operating budget in the checking account. Another delegate made the recommendation that if the disaster relief funds are not used in a fiscal year and there are non-organizational member zoos affected by a disaster that the disaster relief funds are offered to those zoos. Joni informed the delegates that the board would take it under advisement. The delegates adopted the proposed budget.
Ellen Kulie, Newsletter Editor, reported that four issues of Symbiosis were published since AZAD 2005. There will be two more issues in this fiscal year. She had the delegates refer to the report from the Newsletter Editor includ- ed in their packets. She pointed out the tentative copy deadlines and themes for upcoming issues of Symbiosis. Ellen informed the delegates that 7.1% of the docents receive the newsletter electronically and the others receive the printed copy. She asked all delegates to ask their docents to try the electronic version of Symbiosis. A delegate wondered why more members don’t receive their newsletter electronically. Elizabeth Turner, Houston Zoo, AZAD Webmaster, recommends that the board think about making past issues of Symbiosis available on the website to non-members. Ellen also received compliments from the floor regarding her work on the newsletter.
Diane Cooney gave the report of the Extension Committee. Dave Heim of Brookfield Zoo and Mary Ann Lefevre of the Phoenix Zoo are continuing to work on the AZAD database survey. We currently have forms back from 63 member zoos. Delegates from institutions that have not returned their forms are again being asked to comply. Eight of those in attendance were given survey forms that we would like to have completed at the conference. The forms may be returned to Diane.
Diane then gave the report of the Travel Committee. Bert DeVries, Travel-Subcommittee Chairperson was unable to attend. We have received several survey forms back and have a lot of positive reviews of the AZAD sponsored trips. The trip to New Orleans is filling. The trip will go. If there are any open spots the travel agency will open it up to other individuals who are interested in going. The 2006 trips, Egypt in February had 15 travelers; Rwanda and Uganda Mountain Gorilla Trip in May 14 travelers (limited to 15); and two departures for Brazil (each limit- ed to 18) were sold out. The 2007 trips are as follows: April 2007 - Galapagos Islands with Linblad Expeditions; July 2007 - Costa Rica with Classic Escapes; and October 2007 - “So You Want to Be a Game Ranger South Africa and Botswana” with Premier tours. Coming in 2008: a February 3 departure for Antarctica, with Linblad Expeditions, and a trip to San Diego. The dates for San Diego trip will be determined at a later date.v
Diane then introduced the website committee chairman, Liz Turner. She asked that delegates provide member news to her so she can publish it on the website. She stated that the website is a place to share information. If you have events or new things going on at your zoos contact Liz. She reminded us that the message board is available fordocents to use. You can ask questions or get feedback from other docents.
Kaye Quentin gave the report of the Public Relations Committee. She contacted twenty-six zoos since the con- ference in 2005. Some have joined as organization members. Her committee has also been working to get new members. Packets were sent to sixteen new and rejoining zoos. As of July 2006, she has received requests for 56 patches and 70 pins. Kaye has joined AZA and AAZK. She hopes to use this information to contact zoos who are not currently organizational members in AZAD.
Mary Murphy gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. She informed the delegates that we have no bids for a National or Regional Conference in 2008. The board has approved a business meeting to be held at Riverside Zoo in Scottsbluff, Nebraska for 2008. The guidelines for the National and Regional conferences have been revised. A new set of guidelines has also been developed. This is to allow for a business meeting to be held if no national or regional conference is scheduled. She also asked that all delegates think about hosting a conference at their zoo. A question from the floor, “Can more than one zoo work together to host a conference?” Mary informed the delegates that it absolutely can be done and has been done. She also received a comment that AZAD should provide information to all new organizational members about hosting a conference at their facility. She informed them that the board would take that under advisement.
David Sansing, Toledo Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee member gave the report of the Bylaws Committee. Diane informed the delegates that the board agrees with the recommended change. The proposed amendment was passed. The Bylaws will read as follows:
ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. An annual conference business meeting will shall be held if possible.
The final wording for ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1: An annual business meeting shall be held.
Deb Harden, Cincinnati Zoo, Chairman of the 2005-2006 Nominating Committee, gave the report of the committee. She thanked the members of the Committee Linda Yaegle, Tautphaus Park; Ginny Smith, Philadelphia Zoo; Anne Hengesbach, Detroit Zoo; Jim Hubbard, Maryland Zoo in Baltimore and the alternate Betty Borgman, Pittsburgh Zoo. She then read the slate of officers for 2006-2007: Diane Cooney, Cameron Park Zoo, Director - Extension, Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo, Membership Chairman; Michael J. Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary, Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director - Conference Advisory, Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director - Public Relations. Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo, Treasurer. The nominations were open to the floor for each board position individually. Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo received a nomination to the board position of Director - Public Relations. There being no further nominations. The nominations were closed.
Nominations for candidates for the 2006-2007 Nominating Committee were opened. The following were nominated: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Leslyn Goodrich, Buffalo Zoo, Marianne Unanue, St. Louis Zoo, Brian Moroney, National Aviary in Pittsburgh Volunteers and Kaye Lynn Carpenter, Milwaukee Zoo. There being no further nominations the nominations were closed.
Nominations for the alternate candidate for the 2006-2007 Nominating Committee were opened. Ruth Feretti, Trailside Museums & Zoo/Trailside Docents was nominated. There being no further nominations the nominations were closed.
Diane Cooney stated that there are no recommendations from the board.
The election of the Executive Board for 2006-2007 was held. The nominations were closed earlier in the meeting. Each board position was read separately for a vote by acclamation. Their being two nominees for the Public Relations position a paper ballet was placed. Kaye Quentin received 33 votes Rae Leah Sidwell received 14 votes with one blank form submitted. The 2006-2007 Executive Board will be: Diane Cooney, Cameron Park Zoo, Director - Extension; Michael J. Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary; Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Membership Chairman; Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director - Public Relations; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director Conference Advisory; and Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo, Treasurer.
The election of the 2006-2007 Nominating Committee was held. The members of the Committee will be: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Leslyn Goodrich, Buffalo Zoo, Marianne Unanue, St. Louis Zoo, Brian Moroney, National Aviary in Pittsburgh Volunteers and Kaye Lynn Carpenter, Milwaukee Zoo. The alternate will be Ruth Feretti, Trailside Museums & Zoo/Trailside Docents.
A motion was made to allow the Nominating Committee to elect their Chairperson. The delegates voted and it was approved by acclamation.
New Business
Diane introduced Michael Gillen, AZAD Secretary and Co-Chair of AZAD Business Meeting 2008. Michael gave a brief summary of some activities planned for the conference in 2008. He had the docents refer to the document from Riverside Zoo in their packets. The dates for the conference are June 20 through the 22nd 2008. There may be an optional pre conference activity planned. He informed the delegates that information pamphlets would be made available in the Hospitality Room. Michael also informed the docents that additional information will appear in Symbiosis and the website at a later date. Additional details will also be made available at the 2007 conference in St. Louis.
Jan Estes, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Educational Grant Committee member and 2006-2007 Committee Chair, informed the delegates that three (3) applications for the 2006 Education Grants had been received. The applica- tions were from Kansas City Zoo, St. Louis Zoo and Potter Park Zoo. Each organization was sent a letter informing them the application had been received. Copies of the applications were sent to the committee members. This year the committee members were: Argentina Ziegler, Bronx Zoo, Norma Cole, Woodland Park Zoo, Jan Estes, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Clare Durst, Roger Williams, and Judy Sorensen, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Committee Chairman.
The committee decided to award each of the three applicants a $500 grant. The organizations were notified by mail and given the name to contact at the Saint Louis Zoo to make arrangements to present a paper at the 2007 AZAD conference in St. Louis. The AZAD Treasurer was contacted and asked to send each of the recipients a check.
She also suggested adding a space for an email address on the application. The board has already approved this request. She also feels now is the time to raise the cap for the grant to $1,000.00 from $500. This could create more interest. Diane informed the delegates that the board is taking the increase in the grant cap under advisement. Jan read Judy Sorensen’s report which thanked the committee members for all their help and thanked the board for developing the program.
Diane informed the delegates that the board decided to continue awarding two free annual memberships every month.
There was no other business.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
Michael J. Gillen, Secretary