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2012 Delegate Meeting Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mary Haga, AZAD Chairman. She welcomed the delegates.

The Executive Board present: Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer, Mary Rosenberger, Denver Zoo, Appointed Secretary, Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman, Beverly Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Newsletter Editor, Cheryl Hays, Memphis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory, Larry Martin, The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore – Extension and Rae Leah Sidwell, Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium – Public Relations. Not present was Patty Whitecotton, Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanic Gardens – Board Appointed Parliamentarian

Madeline Taft, Los Angeles Zoo, presented the report of the Credentials Committee. Forty-four delegates were present. It was moved and seconded to accept the report. The motion was approved.

Larry Martin, Director – Extension, conducted the roll call of zoos and aquariums.

Bill Young, Big Bear Alpine Zoo, Chairman of the Bylaws and rules Committee, read the Conference Rules as published in Symbiosis. It was moved and seconded to adopt the rules. The motion was approved. There were no amendments to the bylaws or changes to the rules submitted to the committee.

Mary Haga introduced Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo, Chairman of the 2012 Conference. Betty reported that there were 502 full and 85 partial registrants. There were 1500 room nights booked. The program with Betty White will begin at 6:00 PM rather than 6:30 PM. The wrap-up meeting for the conference will be held Friday at 3:30 PM in the Mandarin Room, any zoo or aquarium interested in hosting a future conference is welcome to attend.

Mary appointed the following to assist with the meeting: Elliot Taft, Los Angeles Zoo, Timekeeper, Mona Leites, Los Angeles Zoo, Teller, Madeline Taft, Los Angeles Zoo, Teller and Marty Goldberg, Los Angeles Zoo, Teller.


Mary Haga reported that as of September 2012 we have ninety-six Organizational Members and 1,747 Individual Members. The Individual Members consist of 1,636 Active Docent, sixty-four Inactive Docent and forty-four Associate Members.

At the 2011 Delegate Meeting in Memphis, it was reported that there were 100 Organizational Members and 1,959 Individual Members. With our membership currently at 1,747, this shows a decrease of 212 Individual Members. The Organizational membership has decreased by four. We welcome the following new and rejoining Organizations since the Memphis Meeting. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Docents, Fort Worth Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Society, Brooklyn, NY and Riverbanks Zoo and Garden, Columbia, SC.

Unfortunately, after several attempts to contact them, we lost the following Organizational Members. Georgia Aquarium, Lincoln Park Zoo Volunteer Program, Niabi Zoo, Salisbury Zoological Park, Sedgwick County Ross Park, Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park, Turtleback Zoo and Florida Aquarium Volunteers.

Organizations not responding to the renewal letter were sent a “Final Notice”. Most renewed at that time. The above organizations did not respond.

In addition, she mentioned that we have four new Active members from Perth Zoo in Australia who are attending this conference.

The delegates were asked to contact her for a list of purged members from their zoos. Let her know which people who are no longer members of your organization. Try to find out why the others have not renewed.


Charlotte Powell presented the Treasurer’s Report and the report of the Budget/Finance Committee. She discussed the proposed budget for the 2012 – 2013 fiscal year. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the proposed 2012 – 2013 budget. The motion was approved.

In accordance with the by-laws, the findings of the Auditors Report were then presented. There was a discussion concerning the $1,581.32 un-reconciled funds from the previous Treasurer.

Newsletter Editor

Beverly Shaff reported that since going green with Symbiosis there has been a savings o 57%. The bounce rate continues to decrease with each electronic issue. Currently, 432 hard copies of Symbiosis are being printed and mailed to those members requesting that format.

She thanked her committee for their help during her term of office.


Larry Martin stated that by downgrading our account with Zoomerang Survey, a full refund of $149.00 was received. There is still access to the 2011 survey and the account can be upgraded if needed in the future. Delegate Confirmation forms were mailed May 28, 2012 with a request that they be returned by July 15. Those organizations needing to renew their membership prior to the conference were reminded to do so.

The “I am a Delegate” line was removed from the registration form. This should eliminate confusion and unnecessary work. He thanked the LA Zoo for their assistance while he was traveling.

Publication Guidelines were established for what is considered inappropriate regarding AZAD publications and online media.

The Social Media Committee has two Facebook monitors, Ann Marie Fogerty and Dave Fuentes, who will look for inappropriate postings. They will notify Larry and Amanda if they see anything they think is suspicious.

Bert DeVries, Philadelphia Zoo, Travel Subcommittee Chairman, presented trips for 2013 and 2014. There is a travel survey which helps her to plan future trips. Please complete and return it to her. Programs about traveling with AZAD will be presented on Wednesday at 1:30 PM and Friday at 9:30 PM.

Amanda Galiano, Little Rock Zoo, Social Media Subcommittee Chairman and Webmaster announced that there are 480 Facebook friends. Those present at the conference met at the First Annual AZAD Facebook Social on Sunday evening. The website has had 27,000 views. All issues of Symbiosis have been converted to electronic files and archived on the AZAD website. She will present a session on using the website and Facebook on Wednesday at 2:30 PM.

They were thanked for their efforts.

Public Relations

Rae Leah Sidwell thanked Mary Haga, Bev Shaff and Larry Martin for creating the “Why join AZAD” PowerPoint. It is on the website and can be downloaded for use by zoos and aquariums. Delegates were asked to use it to help recruit and retain members. She reminded them that all volunteers who are involved in educating the public about zoos and aquariums are welcome to become members regardless of their title within their institution.

Pins and patches are available in the Wildside Room. This will save you the cost of postage.

Organizational recruitment materials were sent to forty institutions with no response. The incoming Director will work on the issue with Mary Haga during the next year.

She thanked those who have helped during her term of office.

Conference Advisory

Cheryl Hays thanked Betty Dunbar and the LA Conference Committee for their efforts.

She reported that Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle will host a Regional Conference September 19 – 22, 2013. Attendance will be limited to 150. The Milwaukee County Zoo will present a bid for the 2014 National Conference. In 2015, El Paso Zoo will host a Regional Conference May 7 – 11 and Nashville Zoo will host a Regional Conference August 26 – 30. Several zoos have expressed interest in hosting National Conference in 2016.

Nominating Committee

Bob Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Nominating Committee Chairman presented the report of the committee. Director – Conference Advisory: Cheryl Hays, Memphis Zoo, Director – Extension: Larry Martin, The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, Director – Public Relations: William Young, Big Bear Alpine Zoo, Membership Chairman: Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor: Pamela Ryan, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Secretary: Mary Rosenberger, Denver Zoo and Treasurer: Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo.

There were no nominations from the floor and nominations were closed. The election will be held after the recess.

Nominations for Nominating Committee: Mary Haga asked for nominations for the Nominating Committee. The nominees are: Al Notter, Little Rock Zoo, Barry Leveen, Bergen County Zoo, Robert Tobey, Santa Ana Zoo, Janis Weltzin, Woodland Park Zoo and Ann Pisani, Kansas City Zoo. Alternate: Deborah Moody, Denver Zoo. Nominations were closed and the election will be held after the recess.

The meeting was recessed at 7:10 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 7:25 PM by Mary Haga.

Madeline Taft reported that there are now forty-five delegates present.

Election of Executive Board: It was moved and seconded to elect the slate as presented by the Nominating Committee. The motion was approved. It was moved and seconded to elect the slate of the Nominating Committee as presented. The motion was approved. Al Notter was selected as the Chairman. It was moved and seconded to pursue action to recover the un-reconciled funds from the former Treasurer. After discussion, the motion was defeated.

New Business

Kaye Lynne Carpenter and Mary Jo Crawford, Milwaukee County Zoo presented a bid for the 2014 National Conference. The dates are October 7 – 11. It was moved and seconded to accept the bid. The motion was approved.

The report of the Educational Grant Committee was presented by Deborah Moody, Denver Zoo, Chairman. There were seven applications. The recipients are Henry Villas Zoo, Madison, WI and Little Rock Zoo. She reported that the grant procedures and timeline have been revised.

Bob Shaff, Delegate from Seneca Park Zoo, opened a discussion concerning the spending of AZAD funds since our membership has decreased. Anne Hengesbach, Delegate from Detroit Zoo, suggested that if the Delegates work hard to increase membership, there may be no need to decrease spending. There was no action taken.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM

Mary Rosenberger, Denver Zoo, Secretary