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2014 Delegate Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2014
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The AZADV Delegates Meeting was called to order by AZADV Chair, Larry Martin, at 7:30 PM. Larry welcomed the delegates and all others who were in attendance. Larry began the meeting by saying, “In a few words, this has been a year of turbulence, transition, and accomplishments. We had to deal with several key board member resignations and replacements. However, we made significant progress transitioning to our new name and to being a more green organization”. Larry then introduced the AZADV Executive Board.

Report of the Credentials Committee

Diane Tyk, Milwaukee Zoo Pride, reported there were 48 voting delegates, 6 Board members, making a total of 54 voting members. This report was adopted. Larry Martin then called the role of Organizational Members.

Program Committee Report

Mary Jo Crawford, Conference co-chair gave the report of the Program Committee. The Conference has 380-400 fully registered attendees. The committee has worked over two years on the Conference. Conference committees need more support.

Mary Smith, delegate from the Lubee Bat Conservancy, moved that speakers be allowed to talk for three minutes, instead of the presently allowed two minutes. The motion was seconded and passed.

Report of Officers

Director of Membership Report – Ann Marie Fogarty

As of the end of September 2014, we have 95 organizational members and 1,468 individual members. Since the 2013 Delegates Meeting in Seattle, we have had an increase of 5 organizations and a loss of 224 individual members. New organizations welcomed were the North Carolina Aquarium, Gladys Porter Zoo, National Aquarium, Akron Zoological Park, and the Lubee Bat Conservancy. We also welcomed back the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Treasurers and Audit Report – Charlotte Powell

Charlotte presented the proposed 2014-2015 budget. The budget reflects an increase in revenue due to new members and the sale of the new pins and patches. The budget was adopted. The Audit is posted in the Hospitality Room.

We received certification from the IRS that our name change to AZADV is now official.

Newsletter Editor’s Report – Pam Ryan

The next issue of Symbiosis will be a shorter issue but the January issue will be a full-blown issue in color. Pam urged the delegates to send her docent and/or volunteer newsletters.

Delegates were asked to distribute the January issue of Symbiosis to all the volunteers in their institutions or organizations.

Conference Advisory Director’s Report – Ellen Kulee

There will be an AZADV Focus Group meeting Saturday at 9:00 AM for attendees to provide feedback on their conferences’ experience.

Nashville gave a presentation for their Regional Conference August 26-30, 2015. The conference will be limited to 350 attendees. El Paso Zoological Society presented its bid to host a Regional Conference September 21-26, 2016. There will be a limit to the number of attendees. The bid was accepted. We are still in need of a bid for 2017.

Public Relations Director’s Report – Ann Pisani

AZADV’s new logo will be unveiled at the Opening Session tomorrow. A slogan contest will be introduced with the member submitting the winning slogan receiving a free year’s membership to AZADV, a pin and patch, and a $100 donation to his/her zoo, aquarium, or organization.

Extension Director’s Report – Larry Martin

The Extension Survey has been on the website for some time. Delegates were asked to go back to their organizations and get feedback on the survey. Larry will also e-mail all the delegates the survey.

Standing Committee Reports

Social Media

Amanda Galiano, AZADV’s webmaster, reported that she hopes to have everything updated on our website soon. There have been 26,000 visitors to the site. The most popular hits were “Join AZADV” and “PayPal”.

The AZADV Facebook has been closed by the AZADV Board to AZADV members only. Non AZADV members on facebook will be given six months to join AZADV, and if they don’t, they will be deleted from the facebook page.

Educational Grant Committee – Donna McGill

The $1,000 AZADV Educational Grant was awarded to the Henry Vitas Zoo for their “Catching Hope, Re-purchased Poaching Snares” program.

Travel Committee – Roberta “Bert” DeVries

Bert requested that the delegates and other members of their organization complete the travel survey included in their packets. Itineraries for the 2015 trips (Thailand, February) and CD’s of the Alaska trip in June are available in the Hospitality Room to be taken by interested travelers. The Board approved a trip to Churchill to see the Polar Bears in November 2015.

Bylaws Committee Report – Sue Weatherman

A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed amendments to the Bylaws.

A second motion was then made to remove the sentence in Section 4, Duties of Officers, E “The chair would be the logical choice for this duty” referring to a co-signer of checks. This motion was defeated by a vote of 39 to 15.

A second vote was taken on the main motion to approve the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. The motion passed by a vote of 51 to 3.

Nomination Committee Report – Patty Whitecotton

Patty proposed the following slate of officers for the AZADV Board

  • Larry Martin, Maryland Zoo – Director of Extension
  • Kay Johnson, Milwaukee Zoo- Treasurer
  • Roberta DeVries, Philadelphia Zoo – Secretary
  • Ellen Kulee, Detroit Zoo – Conference Advisory Director
  • Ann Pisani, Kansas City Zoo – Director of Public Relations
  • Ann Marie Fogarty, Brookfield Zoo – Director of Membership
  • Pam Ryan, Arizona Senora Desert Museum – Newsletter Editor

Since there were no further nominations from the floor, the Nominating Committee’s report was unanimously approved.

Nominations for the 2014-2015 Nominating Committee

The following AZADV members were nominated for the Nominating Committee:

  • Mary Donovan-Popa, Arizona Senora Desert Museum
  • Alissa Chetnetski, Columbus Zoo
  • Margie Gomez, Virginia Zoo
  • Judith Longmeyer, Phoenix Zoo
  • Marie Paddock, Dallas Zoo
  • Alternate: Kim Manns, John Ball Zoo

The motion to approve the nominees was unanimously in favor. Alissa Chetnetski was elected Chairman by the committee.

Framework for Survival Committee

The Board appointed an Ad Hoc Committee at their interim board meeting in Milwaukee, called “Framework for Survival”. Maureen Chambers, Louisville Zoo, was appointed chair. The committee met electronically after being formed. Three different ideas were presented to the Board as AZADV projects or event. The Board will make a decision at their interim meeting in Nashville.

We should come up with perks for being an AZADV member.

The Maryland Zoo is the first Zoo to extend AZA reciprocal discounts to AZADV members. It is hope that other institutions will follow.

There was discussion about the possibility of a junior AZADV membership. There is no age requirement to become a member of our organization.


A motion was made and second to adjourn the meeting. The motion was passed and the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 PM.

Roberta “Bert” DeVries, Interim Secretary