September 22, 2016
Chase Suites Conference Center
El Paso, Texas
Ellen Kulie, AZADV Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM. She first welcomed all the delegates and then introduced the members of the Board: Kay Johnson, Treasurer; Roberta DeVries, Secretary, Ann Marie Fogarty, Director of Membership; Ann Pisani, Director of Public Relations; Mary Ramsey, Director of Extension; Pam Ryan, Symbiosis Editor; and Bob Ewald, Parliamentarian. Ellen then went through the delegates’ folders and announced that AZADV is a 501C3 charitable organization to which people can donate.
Report of Credentials Committee
Susan Magee, Albuquerque Bio Park: Susan reported that there were 35 delegates present. The Columbus Zoo delegate arrived later for a new total of 36 delegates.
Roll Call of Organization Members: Mary Ramsey, Director of Extension: Mary called the roll of all the organization delegates present.
Report of the Rules Committee
Tomi Roeske, Virginia Zoo, Chair Bylaws & Rules Committee: Tomi read the ten (10) rules for conducting the meeting which were included in the delegates’ packets.
Report of the 2016 Conference Program Committee: Ellen Kulie
Ellen Kulie reported for Derrill Rothermich, El Paso Zoo, on the Conference. She thanked Derrill for all his hard work in planning the Conference and reported that the Conference was going well. Ellen announced that an Ocelot sanctuary is the beneficiary of the Silent Auction.
Report of Officers
Membership - Ann Marie Fogarty
At the end of August 2016, we have 86 Organization Members and 1,556 Individual Members. The individual members consist of 1,529 Docents/Volunteers (active and inactive) and 22 Associates. At the 2015 Delegates Meeting in Nashville, TN, it was reported there were 98 Organization Members and 1,625 Individual members. These numbers show a net loss of 12 Organizations and 70 Individual members.
The actual total for new individual members from August 2015 through August 2016 is 334. Although we have had success recruiting new members, the renewal rate continues to fall, with a high percentage of these being members who have two years or less continuous membership. Each year there is a jump in new members from people who want to attend an annual conference for a particular location.
We have an open action to provide the names of the 12 organization members who were lost, based on the question from Larry Martin.
We welcome the following new organizations that have joined AZADV since the 2015 Nashville Conference.
- International Elephant Foundation – affiliate Member
- Butterfly Pavilion – returning member
- San Antonio Zoo – returning member
- Zoo Knoxville
We continue to have 35-45% renew notices flagged as “unread” in MailChimp. Approximately one third of our members respond to our second or final notices and renew. Although we ask in our final notice for the member to submit a reason for not returning, we receive very few responses.
Treasurer and Auditor’s Report – Kay Johnson, Treasurer
Kay reported the Auditor’s report will be on the table by the door in the Chase Suites Conference Room. We have a checking account and two money market accounts. Kay reported that $33,326 of our income came from members dues.
Kay reviewed the proposed budget that was in each of the delegates’ packets with the delegates. Total funds in the proposed budget are $49,650.00 and total funds paid out in the budget are also $49,650.00. $2,500 is budgeted for a whole new web site design. We intend to change companies, but will have to have a 3-year contract with the new company. The Board also proposed that we increase our Education Grants for all categories (small, medium, and large) from $1,000 to $2,000. The budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 was approved by the delegates.
Multi year AZADV memberships were proposed with discounts for two (2) and three (3) year and adopted. A form was provided in each delegate’s packet.
AZADV Membership Proposal
Rates valid for new or renewals
- 1 YEAR-$20.00 (info. only-not on form
- 2 YEAR – $38.00 (2 X $19.00)
- 3 YEAR – $54.00 (3 X $18.00
- 1 YEAR – $20.00 (info. only-not on form)
- 2 YEARS – $38.00 (2 X $19.00)
- 3 YEARS – $54.00 (3 X $18.00)
- 1 YEAR – $25.00 (info only-not on form)
- 2 YEARS – $48.00 (2 X $24.00)
- 3 YEARS – $69.00 (3 X $23.00)
I would like to make a contribution of $_______________
AZADV is registered as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Any contribution beyond dues is deductible for income tax purposes.
Since AZADV is registered as a 501C3 we will have in place a way to take voluntary contributions which will be available on Pay Pal and in Symbiosis.
Symbiosis Newsletter Editor’s Report – Pam Ryan, Editor
Pam reported that mailing Symbiosis has been very popular. In July 2016, 1,300 16 page copies of Symbiosis were mailed; April, 2016 – 1,375 12 page copies, and in January 2016, 1,473 16 page copies were mailed. There were complaints that MailChimp couldn’t be opened. Pam asked us to think about sending the January issue to delegates to distribute. She then thanked all the docents for electing her Symbiosis editor. She said, “It has been a very good experience.”
Report of Conference Advisory Director, Ellen Kulie
Ellen announced that the 2017 Regional Conference will be at the Greensboro Science Center October 26-28, 2017. Judi Longmeyer presented the bid from the Phoenix Zoo to host a Regional Conference in April 2018. A letter of support for hosting this conference was sent by the CEO/President of the Phoenix Zoo to Ellen Kulie, AZADV Chair. The vote to approve the bid from Phoenix was unanimous.
Linda Kendzierski gave a report on the 2017 Greensboro Conference. The dates for the Conference are October 26-28, 2017. The Conference theme is “Making Connections for Conservation.” The conservation initiative Greensboro has chosen is to support is The Silvery Gibbon Project. The hotel will be the Sheraton Four Seasons with a rate of $145/night. The Conference rate will also be available for 3 days prior and for 3 days after the Conference. Attendance will be limited to 250 registrants. Among the proposed trips are the Duke Lemur Center in Durham, NC and the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro, NC.
Report of Public Relations Director, Ann Pisani
Ann first thanked her committee members. She reported she has a remaining inventory of 204 pins at $3.00 each and 505 patches for $1.00. Members can now buy AZADV gear – polo shirts, tee shirts, collared shirts, baseball caps, fleeces and blankets. An order form and gear images were in all the delegates’ packets.
The Public Relations Director is now handling organizations’ reciprocity. Seventeen institutions currently offer AZADV discounted or free admission. Dallas, Nashville, and Staten Island Zoos are the most recent reciprocity additions.
Report of Extension Director, Mary Ramsey
Mary thanked the members for allowing her to serve. She announced that she will be sending out delegate registration forms about 30 days prior to registration. Mary included in the delegates’ packets the benefits of being an organization and individual member. She is planning to do a survey, using Survey Monkey, which she hopes to have out by the end of the year to see what is most meaningful on the Facebook page to help you. She reported that we have 1,000 members not on the AZADV Facebook page. She would like members not on our Facebook to page to respond through Symbiosis.
Social Media
Web Stats:Amanda Galiano submitted a report on website statistics.
- We had 28,535 impressions in the last year and 10,739 visitors
- The entry page had 2,273 visitors (4,444 unique); Conferences had 3,060 (1,745 unique)
- Join and renew had 2,273 visitors (1593 unique)
- The next top pages were the Symbiosis index (975 visitors and the Pay Pal links (955)
- The post about El Paso registration opening had the next highest (806)
- Our newest page is the reciprocal zoo page and it got 622 unique visitors
- Conference papers start popping up around #20 with the highest ranking 209 page reviews. It was an article about Zoo Teens from the Pittsburgh Zoo which was presented in St. Louis in 2007, which probably had some popularity via Google Search.
Facebook – Kim Houk and Helen Reid, Facebook Monitors
- Checked group page several times a day.
- Reviewed posts and determined if they meet the publication guidelines.
- Reviewed comments. Removed posts that violate publication guidelines, sent email with post, my message and any replies to Extension Director.
- Checked on new member requests. If on member list, added to group and posted welcome message. If not on member list, sent private message to requestor stating it is a closed group with information on how to join; also privately messaged member Director to see if requestor just paid.
- Removed purged members from group. Send “removed” member a private message stating their membership expired and since it is a closed group, they are being removed. If they paid, let me know and I’ll check with the Membership Director. Sent Membership Director a list of the removed members via email.
- Approximately 636 AZADV members are members of the group.
Travel Subcommittee, Roberta “Bert” DeVries, Chair
Bert announced the AZADV trips for 2017. Information will be in Symbiosis and detailed itineraries and reservation forms will be on AZADV’s website
- Peru – The Mighty Amazon & Incan Empire (February 8-20, 2017)
- Grand Island Nebraska – The Great Sandhill Cranes Migration (March 25-29, 2017)
- South Africa & Botswana with optional Post Trip Extension to Cape Town (November 2-12, 2017)
Report of the Educational Grants Committee - Toni Tront, Chair (Detroit Zoo)
A copy of the Educational Grant Information and Application was in each delegate’s packet. Toni read the criteria for all the delegates. There are three Educational Grant categories – small, medium, and large. Organizations had between January and March 2016 to apply.
The winners, each receiving $1,000, were:
- Minnesota Zoo – large category
- Fresno Chaffee Zoo – medium category
- Potter Park Zoo – small category
Report of the Bylaws Committee – Tomi Roeske, Chair (Virginia Zoo)
One amendment was presented by the Bylaws Committee.
Article V – MEETINGS, Section 2
Current Wording: Host and approximate date of the conference shall be decided three (3) years in advance by the delegates. The host shall set its registration fee with approval of the Executive Board in such amount as may reasonably be expected to cover its anticipated expense; provided, however, that any surplus after payment of all conference expenses shall first be remitted promptly to the Treasurer of the Association in an among up to and including total conference assistance funds received from the Association
Proposed Change:Host and approximate date of the conference shall be decided in advance by the Executive Board. The host shall set its registration fee with approval of the Executive Board in such amount as may reasonably be expected to cover its anticipated expense. Any surplus after payment of all conference expenses shall first be remitted promptly to the Treasurer of the Association in an amount up to and including total conference funds received from the Association.
Summary and Rationale
- First sentence change – The sooner we have a host commit, the better off we are. The host is truly committed when their bid is approved, as they receive AZADV conference assistance funds and can sign a hotel agreement. This is what “locks in” the bid and keeps the momentum going. This change benefits both prospective hosts and AZADV members.
- Second sentence change – Submitted to correct grammar. Separating the two clauses results in two stand-alone sentences, rather than one independent and one dependent clause.
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Bylaws Committee that this amendment be approved as submitted.
Betty Dunbar, Cleveland Metro Parks Zoo seconded the motion to approve the proposed amendment as written. After discussion, a vote was taken with the results being 43 for the proposed amendment and (1) against it. The amendment was passed.
Report of the Nominating Committee – Mary Haga, Chair (Detroit Zoo)
Mary Haga presented the 2016 nominees for the AZADV Board of Directors.
- Director (Conference Advisory): Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo
- Director (Extension): Mary Ramsey, Albuquerque Biological Park
- Director (Public Relations): Ann Marie Pisani, Kansas City Zoo
- Membership Chair: Lisa DeVos, Essex County Turtle Back Zoo
- Newsletter (Symbiosis) Editor: Katie Licht, Potter Park Zoo
- Secretary: Roberta DeVries, Philadelphia Zoo
- Treasurer, Kay Johnson, Milwaukee County Zoo
Election of 2016-2017 Executive Board – Ellen Kulie
Ellen Kulie, AZADV Chair, asked for any additional nominations from the floor. Since there were none, the Nominating Committee report was accepted.
Nominations for the 2016–2017 Nomination Committee
Ellen Kulie asked for Nominations for the coming year’s Nominating Committee. Those nominated were:
- Linda Kendzierski, Greensboro Science Center
- Ellen Orlowski, Milwaukee County Zoo
- Gary Hawsey, Zoo Atlanta
- April Abams, Philadelphia Zoo
- Norma Cole, Woodland Park Zoo
- Lorie Fortner, Houston Zoo
The committee will meet during the recess to determine the chair and alternate.
Nominating Committee Results - Ellen Kulie
Ellen announced that Norma Cole, Woodland Park Zoo, was elected Chair of the Nominating Committee and Lorie Fortner, Houston Zoo, the Alternate.
Recommendations from the Executive Board – Ellen Kulie
Ellen announced that the Director of Public Relations and Conference Advisory Directors’ positions will be open in 2017 since Ann Pisani and Ellen will have reached their four (4) year term limit.
Since there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.
Roberta (Bert) DeVries, AZADV Secretary