At 6:02 PM (EST) T. Kouba indicated 63 participants had signed into the meeting, 34 of which were delegates and 8 board members. Those not delegates or on the board were observers.
Lisa DeVos, AZADV Board Chair called the meeting to order and welcome to the 2021 Virtual Business and Delegate Meeting. She then introduced the current executive board:
Tim Kouba, April Abrams, Kay Johnson, Linda Kendzierski, Toni Tront, Katie Oeschger and Patty Whitecotton. L. Devos indicated since this was our first delegate virtual ZOOM meeting and there were a number of observers, when a call for a vote was requested, only the delegates and board were permitted to vote. Please stay “muted” but if someone has a question during the meeting, write it in “Chat” or raise your “hand” and it will be answered.
Roll Call of Organizational Members: April Abrams, Director, Extension, reported there were 34 delegates present, then conducted the roll call of the organization members.
Conference Rules: Patty Whitecotton, Parliamentarian, read the conference rules, and asked if there were any questions. Since there were none, the rules will stand as written.
Delegate Packets: April Abrams, Extension, reviewed the Delegate Packets. Normally these packets would be given to the delegates at the convention, but since this meeting was virtual, they needed to be emailed. The electronic packets were complete.
Chair Comments: L. Devos welcomed the two newest members of the executive board:
Kay Johnson, Treasurer and April Abrams, Extension. The Board had two late resignations and these two folks volunteered to assume those duties.
L. Devos welcomed all attendees and mentioned the last two years have been unique. The executive board’s meetings have been virtual and almost on a monthly basis. A bylaw revision was developed. A virtual book club meeting occurred and the book club will continue. And, since the board did not have to travel, we saved money in travel expenses and hotels.
Membership: L. Devos
As of August 31, 2021, we have 79 Organizational Members and 1,023 Individual Members.
• The organizational membership consists of 71 zoos and aquariums, 3 affiliates, and 5 comps. • The individual membership identified as 991 docents, 27 associates, and 5 volunteers.
As there was no conference held in 2020, a membership report was published in Symbiosis 2020 No. 4. It was reported that we had 79 Organizational Members and 1,193 Individual Members. There is no change in organizational members and a decrease of 170 individual members which includes 236 unrenewed, 39 new and 27 rejoined members.
We have reported no change in organization members, although there are some that have yet to renew, 7 organizations and 1 affiliate from 2020 and seven organizations from 2021. Therefore, we have chosen to carry these organizations until such time as needed due to the unprecedented nature of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Covid-19 pandemic has also taken a toll on our membership with zoo/aquarium closures, the slow return of docents/volunteers to their duties, the postponing then canceling of the Louisville conference, and the lack of camaraderie. However, we expect our numbers to rebound as we return to our zoos/aquariums and look forward to Toledo in 2022.
Conference Advisory: T. Kouba
*Louisville 2020 and 2021 had been canceled
*Toledo 2022
T. Kouba reported the 2020 Louisville Conference was canceled and rescheduled for 2021, and of course that conference was also canceled. In total the Louisville Planning Committee had spent at least three years preparing for their conference. As is our tradition, a plaque will be given to Louisville honoring these efforts and commitment. T. Kouba read the wording on the plaque and indicated it would be shipped in November 2021. He thanked them and the Louisville Zoo organization for their efforts and commitment. The related slide named the individuals of the Louisville Planning Committee.
In addition, T. Kouba reviewed the total expenditures regarding the canceled Louisville conference, and as is our practice, recommended a donation to the zoo. T. Kouba stated, “On behalf of the AZADV Executive Board, I move that the organization approve a donation to the
Louisville Zoo, earmarked for the Meta Zoo Building Fund, in the amount of $2020.00. This donation is given to recognize the outstanding efforts expended in an attempt to host an AZADV Conference which, due to extraordinary factors beyond anyone’s control, had to be canceled.” After some discussion, it was requested the Treasurer’s Report be reviewed before the delegates were asked to vote on this proposal. T. Kouba requested he continue his report discussing the 2022 Toledo Conference.
In regard to the 2022 Toledo Conference, T. Kouba reviewed the possible expenditures and proposed “On behalf of the AZADV Executive Board, I move that the organization approve an advance, in the amount of $10,000 to the Toledo Conference account. This advance is against future funds which will be collected via registration fees.” A number of attendees asked that the motion be held until the treasurer’s report was reviewed. The request was honored.
Treasurer’s Report: Kay Johnson
Checking Account Balances as of 8-31-21:
Wells Fargo Checking Acct $29,732.98
Wells Fargo Money Market 22,456.60
Wells Fargo Savings 34,206.02
Wells Fargo Conference Oversite 2,601.71
Wells Fargo Savings Certificate of 60,000.00
TOTAL $148,997.31
K. Johnson indicated even though we have had a slight decrease in membership receipts over the last several years, about the only expenses we have had this fiscal year are for the printing of our quarterly Symbiosis newsletter and for xxx maintaining and improving our website, thereby yielding a surplus of $11,726 for the 10 months ending 8-32-21, Subsequently, the 2021-2022 budget was reviewed which was part of the delegate package.
A vote was taken regarding the financial reports and they were approved (yes: 35, no: 0).
T. Kouba reiterated his motion for $10,000 for the Toledo Conference Account. The motion was approved (yes: 35, no: 0). He also indicated we are seeking a host for 2023. Prior zoos which indicated an interest in hosting a conference will be contacted.
Extension: April Adams
A. Adams thanked everyone who assisted her with the delegate packets and delegate notification.
Public Relations: L. Kendzierski
Thank you to all the delegates for taking the time to attend the virtual meeting. It is wonderful to see things heading in a more positive direction after all the negative impacts from the pandemic.
I would also like to thank my committee members. Gay Bullock, Jeanie Baratono, and Steven Morrisey. Each of them has contributed more than they realize over this challenging time, and they are very much appreciated!
Our statistics for organizational memberships and reciprocities have not increased in quite some time, but as things continue to evolve, we are hoping to regain the momentum that we had pre-Covid. We currently have over 30 facilities offering discounted admissions and/or gift shop discounts to active AZADV members. The list of reciprocal organizations is published in every issue of Symbiosis. The delegate packets include some potential talking points that volunteers can use at their home facilities to help spread the word about AZADV and the benefits to joining us. We also have a new individual membership flyer available that we will be sending out to volunteer departments within the next couple of months. Anyone interested in getting a digital copy can contact me at
In other news, we now have a YouTube channel. It is still in the very early stages of development but promises to offer us plenty of opportunity to provide more resources and information to both our members and the general public. Since this is so new, it is not yet easy with the YouTube search engine, so we will be posting a link to the channel in the Facebook group, on the website, and in Symbiosis. We have also set up a quarterly AZADV Virtual Book Club in the private Facebook Group. We are exploring different avenues to find ways to branch out to include AZADV members who do not use Facebook.
Our merchandise inventory stands at 475 pins and 270 patches. These can be ordered either online through the AZADV website, or by mail. The order form can be found both in Symbiosis and on the website.
Newsletter Editor: Katie Oeschger
K. Oeschger indicated in 2020 Symbiosis was redesigned to its very attractive current format. The incoming newsletter editor, Andrea Hunter, did the redesign and she thanked her for those efforts. New types of content were added based on member feedback. Organization and board member spotlights were added. Lastly, the editor is always looking for content submissions. f you see a great article or wish to write one, contact the editor right away!
RECESS – A 15 minute recess was taken, 7:31 PM to 7:46 PM
Education Grant Committee: L. Devos indicated the updating of the grant program is still in process. When it is finalized it will be sent out for review.
Bylaws Committee: Ellen Orlowski
E. Orlowski thanked her committee members, R. Kalmanor and Peggy Moss, for their assistance and hard work. E. Orlowski started her report indicating there was one brand new amendment for approval:
Article IV, Section 8: Duties of the Appointed Positions. The amendment was suggested by P. Whitecotton, Parliamentarian since it was not in prior bylaws. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the amendment, seconded and approved (yes-34, no-0).
Article IV, Section 1: Officers (Executive Board). The changes to the amendment were suggested by P. Whitecotton, Parliamentarian, for the purpose of meeting current needs of the organization. Discussion ensued with a suggestion to add to the language of the amendment. It was decided to vote on the amendment as presented and consider the suggestion next.
After discussion a motion was made, seconded and accepted approving the changes (yes-34, no-0). Ann Pisani suggested a few changes be made to this section. After discussion a motion was made, seconded and approved to do so (yes-34, no-0).The section will read:
“The elected officers, also known as the executive board, shall be active docents/volunteer members at the time of their election, shall hold individual memberships, and shall remain active individual docent/volunteer members at all times during their terms of office. Only one (1) docent/volunteer from an AZADV member organization shall be eligible for elective office during a term. No officer shall be employed in any way by an AZADV organizational affiliate member. The elected officers shall be: three (3) directors (conference advisory director, professional development director, and marketing/communications director), membership chair, newsletter editor,
secretary, and treasurer. Members of the executive board shall have the same status as delegates, and may make motions, debate, and vote.”
Article IV, Section 4 through Section 7:
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the suggested changes in Section IV, Section 4 through Section 7 (yes: 34, no: 0).
Nominating Committee: Ann Pisani
A. Pisani thanked her committee composed of: July Brunner, Nora Fernandez and Mary Anne Lefevre. She presented the recommended 2021-2021 slated Executive Board:
Tim Kouba, Director, Conference Advisory
April Abrams, Director, Extension
Linda Kendzierski, Director, Public Relations
Bonnie McGowan, Membership Chair
Andrea Hunter, Newspaper Editor
Shari LaRue, Secretary
Kay Johnson, Treasurer
A. Pisani asked if there were any further nominations. There were none. The nominations for executive board were closed. A motion was made to accept the slate, seconded and approved (yes: 34, no: 0). Congratulations were given. The transitional virtual meeting between the former and newly elected boards would be Tuesday, October 5, at 8:00 PM (EST).
Nominations for the 2021-2022 Nominating Committee – Ann Pisani
Five nominations and one alternate were required. The following nominations were made:Mary Haga – Detroit Zoo, Maureen Charles – Louisville Zoo, Peggy Moss - Bronx Zoo, Gary Howsey – Zoo Atlanta, Kathie Sabia – Beardsley, Little Rock, Arkansas and K. Walker (alternate). A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the 2021-2022 Nominating Committee slate (yes: 34, no: 0).
Unfinished Business
New Business
2022 Toledo Conference Update: T. Kouba, Conference Advisory, introduced Kelly Farrand from the Toledo Zoo. She played a video describing the zoo with comments from volunteers and staff. They are actively preparing for the 2022 conference with great anticipation.
There was no additional new business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM (EST).
Minutes submitted by,
Toni Tront, Secretary