Delegates Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2022
Call to Order and Welcome: Tim Kouba, AZADV Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m. (EST)
Introduction of the AZADV Board of Directors: Tim Kouba introduced the board.
Roll Call of Organizational Members: Mary Ramsey, Director, Extension
31 delegates attended the meeting with a quorum being 20 people and requiring 26 to pass bylaws.
Conference Rules: Patty Whitecotton, Parliamentarian (Oklahoma City Zoo) read the conference rules.
AZADV Chair Report: Tim Kouba
Reported he leaves the board after serving for four (4) terms. Tim reported on some of the challenges that have occurred because of the pandemic. He also reported on how our membership numbers have been steadily declining since 2003 and the challenges facing the organization to reverse this trend. He reminded us that it will take each and every member to increase individual and organizational membership, provide suggestions and input and get involved. This year the restructuring of the board will take effect as passed in the bylaws.
Toledo Conference Planning Committee: Kelli Farrand (Toledo Zoo) reported on the numbers for this conference. The numbers were down (170), if the conference budget provides a surplus funds will be used for the Toledo conservation efforts.
Report of Officers
Membership Chair: Bonne McGowan (Columbus Zoo and Aquarium)
AZADV Membership Report
We currently have:
853 individual members and 50 active organizational members with 22 organizations who have not yet renewed.
The marketing director and Bonne will be working together after the conference to increase individual and organizational members. Many organizations haven't renewed due to changes within their organizations to encourage membership and rejoining our organization.
Treasurer: Kay Johnson (Milwaukee County Zoo)
The 11-month statements show a profit of $26,838, but there will be expenses hitting October for this conference. Some Toledo Conference expenses may not be presented for payment by Oct. 31, so some may carry-over into our next fiscal year.
We have opened new accounts with JP Morgan Chase this last year because not all states have Wells Fargo offices and we have struggled with getting board members’ signatures on our accounts when the conference is held in such states.
Budget numbers were provided and reviewed by the delegates.
Secretary: Shari LaRue (Topeka Zoo & Conservation Center)
Since the AZADV board now meets monthly via Zoom, there are monthly minutes and lots of to-do lists for the board meetings. We are all using Google Drive, which allows me to post the minutes for all to review or edit if needed. The shared drive allows everyone to edit or add to the agenda, the minutes or any other document created. It is a real time saver, but also a learning curve for all to use. It is also our place to archive documents.
I have also been creating historical information from old files, such as the historical board member document that will be posted on the website. The board is working on procedures for the AZADV committees and desk procedures for our positions on the board to help make transitions easier for new committee members and board members.
Newsletter Editor: Andrea Hunter (Potter Park Zoo)
Andrea reported that she is working with a new printing company for our newsletters and that she also has a new mailing service, to provide efficient services and reduce costs. She will be adding the AZADV slogan to the next Symbiosis and the masthead for the Symbiosis has been redesigned.
Director, Conference Advisory: Tim Kouba (Oklahoma City Zoo)
Toledo Conference: A very special thank you to the Toledo Conference planning committee for an awesome conference. Job well done!
Toledo Oversight Committee: This year, we did see a drop in registrations for the conference with only 170 attendees. Total revenue of right at $80,000 and expenses of $79,000. The goal of a conference is to always be self-funding. Any profit at the close of the conference is donated to the conservation causes as defined by the planning committee.
2023 AZADV Conference
The 2023 Conference will be another first for AZADV. As AZADV continues to evolve with how we manage our conferences, it’s important that we’re not dependent on other organizations to host conferences. The 2023 conference will be totally planned and managed by an AZADV committee. While the host zoo will play a part in the conference, that role will be dramatically smaller than in past years.
Members of 2023 Conference Planning Committee are:
- Diane Tyk (Milwaukee County Zoo)
- Mary Anne Lefevre (Phoenix Zoo)
- Pat Statland (Saint Louis Zoo)
- Steven Hancock (Columbus Zoo and Aquarium)
- Cathy Shade (Columbus Zoo and Aquarium)
- Tim Kouba (Oklahoma City Zoo)
- Patty Whitecotton (Oklahoma City Zoo)
- Tasha Packer (Oklahoma City Zoo)
Anyone interested in joining this committee, please contact the conference advisory director.
We are currently looking for host for the 2024 conference, please contact the conference advisory director for details.
Oklahoma City: The 2023 conference will be held in Oklahoma City. Conference dates will be October 2 through 8 of 2023. The conference hotel will be the historic Skirvin Hilton located in the heart of downtown OKC and walking distance from places like the OKC Bombing Memorial and Bricktown, which Oklahoma City’s premier entertainment district. The OKC Zoo is excited to host Zoo Day on Friday, Oct. 6.
Director, Public Relations: Linda Kendzierski (Greenville Science Center)
With the implementation of the new board structure going into effect after this conference, there will be some changes to public relations. It will be incorporated into the new marketing/communications position. One of those changes will include Gmail address changes which will be posted on our website by October 31. Pin and patch orders should still be made using the address provided on the website or as in Symbiosis. Linda reminded everyone that she brought pins and patches if anyone is interested in purchasing them. Linda will be working closely with our members and the Board on new recruitment initiatives in the coming months.
As a part of our effort to regroup and rebuild, we are asking for help from our members to spread the word about our wonderful organization. There are some suggested talking points in the delegate packets covering the benefits of individual and organizational membership. There is also a promotional flier in the delegates packet that can be posted in volunteer lounges, on bulletin boards, etc. The pandemic has had a great impact on staffing at zoos and aquariums nationwide, and Linda will be working closely with our membership chair and our new professional development coordinator to update our contact information and reciprocity benefits. As always, please feel free to contact Linda with any questions, comments, or concerns, and thank you for your dedication to AZADV.
Director, Extension: Mary Ramsey (Albuquerque BioPark)
The Extension AZADV board position is being reinvented as professional development. With the trend showing significant declines in both organization and individual membership since the early 2000s, this change is vital to AZADV’s sustainability as an organization, to gain both organization and individual members, and to appeal to a diverse demographic. Mary addressed many of the changes that are being made to bring value to the membership. We invite all members to be engaged in our membership recruitment and professional development efforts.
Vickie Defalque from the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association volunteered to work with the professional development director on developing a webinar for the membership.
Approval of the Budget: A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget as presented. The motion was passed unanimously.
Committee Reports
Bylaws Committee: John Ulmer (Louisville Zoo)
Two amendments were proposed to Article II, “Object.” The first amendment to Section one added the language “by promoting their professional image” and it passed unanimously.
The second proposal added new language as Section 2 to add the slogan of AZADV to the bylaws. After some discussion it was rejected by a vote of 35 to 2.
Education Grant Committee: Tim Kouba
A $1,000 education grant was awarded to Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo. Kathie Sabia will present the paper, “Habitat Restoration Education of the New England Cottontail,” on Saturday.
This conference will kick off the education grant selection process for 2023. Grant Application will be due on January 31, 2023, with a winner announced in early March.
Also, we are looking for education grant mentors. If you are interested, please reach out to the board chair.
Go to for more details.
Nominating Committee: Peggy Moss (Bronx Zoological Park)
Peggy thanked her committee members. She reminded the delegates that board titles and job descriptions as approved in the 2021 bylaws amendment are being implemented with this slate of officers. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept the slate of officers as presented. The slate of officers were then voted on and accepted unanimously.
Nominations for the 2022–2023 Nominating Committee:
The chairperson for the nominating committee is Debbie Maruffi from Cincinnati Zoo. The other members include Irene Archambault from Nashville Zoo, Vicki Defalque from the Greater Las Angeles Zoo Association, Hannah Salvatore from the National Aquarium, Jackie Fazekas from the John Ball Zoo, and the alternate is Peggy Sullivan from the Maryland Zoo.
Members Not eligible: Bronx Zoo, Beardsley Zoo, Detroit Zoo, Louisville Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, Little Rock Zoo, Greenville Zoo, Kansas City Zoo, Memphis Zoo, Philadelphia Zoo, Phoenix Zoo, and Potter Park Zoo
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: 9:37 p.m. (EST)