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2017 Delegate Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2017
Greensboro, NC

Call to Order and Welcome

Ellen Kulie, AZADV Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and welcomed all the delegates and then introduced the Executive Board members and Parliamentarian seated at the head table.

Report of Credentials Committee

The Credentials committee reported there are 39 delegates present and 46 voting members, including the Executive Board.

Roll Call of Organization members: Mary Ramsey, Director Extension

Mary reviewed the materials in the delegates’ packets and conducted the roll call of the Organization members.

Conference Rules: Bob Ewald, AZADV Parliamentarian

Bob asked if there were any objections to the Conference Rules. Since there were none, the rules will stand as written.

Member Appreciation: Ellen Kulie, AZADV Chair

Ellen reported that the Board is working on the benefits of being an AZADV member and how we can grow our membership.

Report of the 2017 Conference Program Committee: Linda Kendzerski

Linda K., Conference Chair, reported that there are 266 registered attendees from 58 different organizations from all over the country.

Report of Officers

Membership: Lisa DeVos

As of September 20, 2017 we have 78 Organization Members and 1,402 Individual Members. This is a decrease of 8 Organization Members and 154 individual members from the El Paso Conference. The organizational membership consists of 71 zoos and aquariums, 2 affiliates, and 5 comps. The individual membership is identified as 1,338 docents, 56 associates, and 8 volunteers.

Symbiosis Newsletter Editor: Katie Licht

There has been an increase in the number of electronic copies over the hard copies of Symbiosis. Electronic copies come faster and hard copies cost about $2,000 to print and mail.

Conference Advisory: Ellen Kulie

Judy Longmeyer of the Phoenix Zoo made a verbal presentation on the Phoenix Conference April 10-15, 2018. “Connecting and Protecting Our Natural World.” A Conference video presentation will be given at the banquet. The Zoo will have 23 life-size and electronic dinosaurs, giraffe encounters, and equine facilities. The conference registration fee will be $290 a person and will include many extras. The hotel will be the Sheraton Mesa Wrigleysville, an attractive three year old hotel next door to the spring training field of the Chicago Cubs at a cost of $159 for single and double rooms. The number of attendees will be limited. A Zoo Day Program Preference Survey will be open to everyone planning on attending the Conference.

Public Relations: Ann Pisani

Ann thanked her committee members. She reported that after the first year, we lost our gear supplier. The Board approved a mission and a vision statement which the Parliamentarian confirmed that neither of these needs delegate approval. 35 pins and 81 patches have been sold since April 1 for a total of 122 pins and 81 patches since last year’s report. All 19 reciprocal members confirmed continued reciprocity. Ann has sent more ADAVD brochures to all our Organizational members to replenish their stock at a cost of $472.15. The Board decided that brochures would be sent every other year to Organizational members so this will not be required until 2010. National Volunteer Week occurs every April and should continue to be posted annually on our website and Facebook page.

Mission Statement: The Association of Zoo and Aquarium Docents and Volunteers supporting our member’s education, connections and inspiration to strengthen the understanding and commitment of zoo and aquarium conservation goals.

Vision Statement: The Association of Zoo and Aquarium Docents and Volunteers empower public commitment to conservation of our Natural World.

Extension: Mary Ramsey

Delegates need to go back to their organizations and recruit new members. We are continually trying to find organizations who are not members to join. We currently have 686 members who currently are Facebook members. Mary conducted a Facebook survey. Specific guidelines are being developed. Mary wants to develop an Ad Hoc Education Committee to identify articles and information that will be available to help our members. The members need to be tech savvy, have had interpretative train, and stay current with conservation. Our Facebook monitors, Helen Lee and Kim Houk are doing an excellent job. We need to work on a framework or action plan for education materials on the website and keep fresh and current information on our website and Facebook.We need to address ways to respond to requests for “want more of” from the Facebook surveu. Mary received over 300 responses. There is concern that the information is only available on Facebook. Our members want to see more of education tips; animal facts; how to use biofacts and teaching aids, conservation tips and conservation success stories. Our members want to see less of photos from years ago; random animal photos with no information on the animal; judgments, opinions, and negative remarks.

Next Step: Share AZADV Face book Survey results – publish in Symbiosis, share on AZADV website. Develop specific Facebook publications guidelines. Create better method for access to information shared on Facebook (Website redesign) and ideas for enhancing support of our motto: Education, Connection, and Inspiration. Why people on Facebook aren’t: They don’t know how to use it, not interested.

Travel Committee Report: Bert DeVries

Bert reported that the trip to South Africa and Botswana, departing soon, is sold out. There are no trips planned until later in 2018 because of the Phoenix Conference being so close to the Greensboro Conference. We don’t want to prevent anyone from going to the Conference. Look for future trip information on our website and in Symbiosis for future trips in 2018 and 2019.

Website: Katie Licht

Katie announced that AZADV was awarded the Lansing GiveCamp, which will pay for most of the setup of our new website. We are keeping the money in the budget for the website in the event we would need it. Katie gave us a lot of information about our new site and also our new affiliation with the San Diego Zoo Global Academy which AZADV is joining for a platform fee of $1,500. Our individual members will be able to join for $135 annually per person to access a lot of training, animal information, and much more.

AZA Conference Report: Katie Licht

Katie gave a brief report on her attendance at the annual AZA Conference this fall, at which time she reviewed their vision and mission.

Treasurer’s Report: Kay Johnson

The 2016-2017 Audit report will be available in the Hospitality Room. We have $6,000 more in our checking account due to the multiyear membership. We under spent about $12,000 so we are inn very good shape financially. Kay presented the new budget for 2017-2018 which the delegates approved.

Bylaws Committee: Tomi Roeske, Chair, Virginia Zoo

All the Bylaws amendments were passed. There was discussion on Amendments 2 and 8 and they were voted on separately. Proposed changes are italicized below.

1. Article III - Members, Section 3 Dues

“The annual dues required may be established and changed by a majority vote of delegates present at an annual conference/business meeting. Continued membership is contingent upon being up-to-date on membership dues. Dues shall be payable to the AZADV Treasurer. The Membership Chair shall notify members thirty (30) days prior to the month in which they are due.”

Reason: Required to align with vote approving tiered membership pricing at the 2016 conference. Also, this would allow for future changes and not require a bylaws change.

2. Article IV – OFFICERS, Section 6. Duties, E. Treasurer

"Shall be bonded and responsible for receiving, processing, and depositing funds in a numbered account in an approved financial institution, and for distribution of all funds for the Association. The Executive Board shall designate at least one (1) other elected officer to co-sign all checks in excess of $3,000. Treasurer shall prepare quarterly financial statements for the members of the Executive Board and present a written financial report at the annual conference or business meeting. Shall forward membership renewal and application forms to the Membership Chair. Shall ensure that a federal income tax return is filed annually and that the Association’s books are audited at least once every two years by an independent auditor approved by the Executive Board. More frequent audits may be conducted at the discretion of the Executive Board."

Reasons: Eliminating a quarterly list and explanation of all checks written and increasing the limit required for co-signature because checks are issued electronically through Wells Fargo Bill-Pay system now and mailed directly to the vendor. Proposing providing quarterly financial statements to review instead. The quarterly invoice for printing of the Newsletter, the awards from the Education Grant Committee, payment to the hotel for the Board’s rooms at the interim and annual board meeting, and Conference Assistance Advances are all each over $1,000. Adding that the Treasurer shall also provide an annual federal tax return.

3. Article VII – COMMITTEES, Section 1. Standing Committees, Paragraph 2

“All standing committees shall be composed of Docent/Volunteer members. A member may serve on only one (1) committee at a time. With the exception of the Nominating Committee (See Article VII, Section 1. F.), committee members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms, with an additional two terms allowed if serving as Committee Chair. There shall be at least a one (1) term interim before serving again on the same committee. No member of a standing committee shall be employed in any way be an AZADV Organizational or Organizational Affiliate member.”

Reason: To establish consistent term limits for all committees.

4. Article VII – COMMITTEES, Section 1 Standing Committees, A., B., C., G.

“A. Budget-Finance Committee: Shall be composed of the Treasurer as Chair and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board. They shall prepare an annual budget to be presented at the conference or business meeting for the coming year. The budget shall be approved by the delegates.

B. Bylaws Committee: Shall be composed of a Chair and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board. Shall review proposed amendments to the bylaws, which have been submitted by members, edit for composition prior to publication, and forward to the Newsletter Editor proposed amendments, with recommendations, for publication in the newsletter at least sixty (60) days before the opening of the annual conference or business meeting.

C. Conference Advisory Committee: Shall be composed of a Director as Chair and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board to assist the host organization.

G. Public Relations Committee: Shall be composed of a Director as Chair and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board to publicize the aims, objectives, and purposes of the Association and encourage new membership in the Association.”

Reason: Requested by the Executive board to standardize language regarding committee membership.

5. Article VII – COMMITTEES, Section 1 Standing Committees, D. Extension Committee

“Shall be composed of a Director as Chair and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board to develop and maintain resources to attract and add value to members.

Reasons: Requested by the Executive Board to reflect the current role of the Extension Director; AZADV is no longer involved in assisting and directing volunteer organizations. Also to standardize language regarding number of committee members.

6. Article VII – COMMITTEES, Section 1 Standing Committees, E. Newsletter Committee

“Shall be composed of a Newsletter Editor and two (2) or more members appointed by the Executive Board to assist the Newsletter Editor.”

Reason: The Executive Board would like to align the wording of the Newsletter Committee more closely with the other committees. In reality, the Newsletter Editor doesn’t have a committee member from each participating organization.

7. Article VII – COMMITTEES, Section 1 Standing Committees, F. Nominating Committee

“Shall be composed of five (5) members and one (1) alternate elected by the delegates by a plurality at the annual conference or business meeting. Nominations for election to this committee shall be taken from the floor at the Delegate Meeting at the annual conference or business meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to consider qualifications of all candidates. The Nominating Committee shall submit one (1) name for each office to be filled. The Nominating Committee shall submit only one (1) name from any AZADV Organizational member. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be published along with a brief biographical sketch of each candidate in the newsletter at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual conference or business meeting. No AZADV Organizational member shall have representation on the Nominating Committee more than once every two (2) years.”

Reason: Recommended by the Executive Board to increase the pool of candidates for the Nominating Committee by allowing Organizational Representation after 2 years (instead of 3) of prior representation.



Section 1.Officers. The elected officers, also known as the Executive Board, shall be Docent/Volunteer members at the time of their election, shall hold individual memberships, and shall remain Docent/Volunteer members at all times during their terms of office. Only one (1) Docent/Volunteer from an AZADV member organization shall be eligible for elective office during a term. No officer shall be employed in any way by an AZADV Organizational or Organizational Affiliate member. The elected officers shall be: three (3) Directors, Membership Chair, Newsletter Editor, Secretary, and Treasurer. Members of the Executive Board shall have the same status as delegates, and may make motions, debate and vote.

Section 2. Election. The officers shall be elected by the voting delegates at the annual conference or business meeting. The Nominating Committee shall present the slate of proposed officers for the ensuing year to the delegates at their meeting at the Association's annual conference or business meeting, as outlined in Article VII, Section 1F. Nominations of eligible individuals other than those on the slate may be made from the floor. No member shall hold more than one (1) office at a time.

Section 3. Term. Term of office shall be from the close of one conference/business meeting until the close of the next conference/business meeting, or until their successors are elected. Officers may serve a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms, regardless of office(s) held or length of term. Upon meeting this maximum, or failing to be re-elected, there shall be a two (2) term interim between holding a board position and being eligible for re-nomination to elected office.

Section 4. Vacancy. A vacancy in any elective office shall be filled by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have the authority to remove a member of the Board for failure to fulfill his/her assigned duties by a two-thirds majority vote of the remaining officers. The Board may appoint an interim member until the next election. Assigned duties shall be those included in the bylaws and written job descriptions. An appointed, interim officer will then be eligible for re-election for a maximum of three additional terms.

Section 5. Responsibilities and Authority. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the transaction of business between conferences or business meetings of the Association, and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association. The members of the Executive Board shall have the authority to adopt standing rules for the transaction of business.

Section 6.Duties.

  • A. Directors. NO CHANGE.
  • B. Membership Chair. NO CHANGE.
  • C. Newsletter Editor. NO CHANGE.
  • D. Secretary. NO CHANGE.
  • E. Treasurer. NO CHANGE. However, if Proposed Amendment 2, “Article IV – OFFICERS, Section 6. Duties, E. Treasurer” is approved, then that amendment will replace the existing wording.
  • F. Parliamentarian. A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Executive Board at the first meeting of the newly elected board and shall serve as a non-voting advisor and consultant to the Executive Board, delegates, and the members on matters of parliamentary procedure for the term of the Board. Like the officers, the Parliamentarian may serve for a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms. There shall be a two (2) term interim before a member is eligible for re-appointment to this position.

Section 7. Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet prior to the annual Delegate Meeting and before the close of the annual conference or business meeting. All members of the Executive Board must attend the Board Meeting(s) of the newly elected Board. A meeting of the incoming and outgoing Boards shall be held during the conference. A special meeting may be called at the request of five (5) members of the Executive Board. An interim Board Meeting shall be held at the site of the next annual conference or business meeting. The Executive Board shall be authorized to conduct the necessary business of the Association between conferences by mail, telephone, electronic mail, facsimile or other electronic means. At the first meeting of the newly elected Board, a Chair shall be elected from the Board members to serve for the term of the Board. Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VI - EXECUTIVE BOARD would be deleted in its entirety.

ARTICLES VII through XI would be renumbered as ARTICLES VI through X

Reason: Current articles are repetitive and inconsistent. Officers and Executive Board are one and the same. This proposal consolidates Articles IV and VI into one comprehensive, complete article and eliminates duplication and confusion.

Education Grant: Van Harris, Chair, Memphis Zoo

The Los Angeles Zoo received the $2,000 grand in the large Zoo category and Henry Vilas Zoo received $2,000 for the small Zoo category. There were no applicants for the medium Zoo category.

Report of the Nominating Committee: April Abrams, Philadelphia Zoo

The 2017 Nominating Committee consists of the following members:

  • Norma Cole, Chair (Woodland Park Zoo)
  • April Abrams (Philadelphia Zoo)
  • Gary Hawsey (Zoo Atlanta)
  • Linda Kendzierski (Greensboro Science Center)
  • Ellen Orlowski (Milwaukee County Zoo/Racine Zoo)
  • Lorie Fortner, Alternate (Houston Zoo)

The Nominating Committee recommends the following slate of offices:

  • Director of Conference Advisory: Tim Kouba (Oklahoma City Zoo)
  • Director of Extension: Mary Ramsey (Albuquerque Biological Park)
  • Director of Public Relations: Sue Gilbert (Los Angeles Zoo)
  • Membership Chairperson: Lisa DeVos (Essex County Turtle Back Zoo)
  • Newsletter Editor: Symbiosis: Katie Licht (Potter Park Zoo)
  • Secretary: Roberta DeVries (Philadelphia Zoo)
  • Treasurer: Kay Johnson (Milwaukee County Zoo)
  • There was a nomination from the floor from the Greensboro Zoo delegate for Conference Advisory Director. The six unopposed nominees were voted on altogether and elected. A secretary ballot was taken for the position of Conference Advisory Director. Bob Ewald, Parliamentarian announced the result of the vote – Tim Kouba. Therefore, all the officers chosen by the Nominating Committee were elected.

    Nominating Committee 2018

    Those organizations not eligible were the Essex County Turtle Back Zoo, John Ball Zoo, Milwaukee Zoo, Philadelphia Zoo, and Woodland Park Zoo. Five members and one alternate were nominated and elected. At a meeting of the committee after the Delegates meeting, Peggy Moss of the Bronx Zoo was elected Chair. Five members and one alternate were nominated and elected.


    Since there was not further business, the Delegates Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM.

    Roberta “Bert” DeVries, AZADV Secretary