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2018 Delegate Meeting Minutes

Call to Order and Welcome

Lisa DeVos, AZADV Chair, called the meeting to order on April 11, 2018 at 7:25 PM in Phoenix, Arizona. She welcomed all the delegates and then introduced the Executive Board members and Parliamentarian who were seated at the head table.

Report of Credentials Committee

The Credentials Committee reported there were 37 delegates present and 43 voting members including the 6 Executive Board members.

Roll Call of Organization Members: Mary Ramsey, Director Extension

Mary conducted the roll call of the Organization members and reviewed the information in the delegates’ packets.

Conference Rules: Patty Whitecotton, Parliamentarian

Patty asked if there were any questions to the Conference Rules which the delegates had received earlier. Since there were none, the rules did not have to be read and will stand as written.

Chair Comments: Lisa DeVos, Chair

Lisa thanked everyone for coming and for all that they do for AZADV. She urged the delegates to review the list of committees in their packets and consider joining one, and to also encourage the AZADV members at their institutions to do the same.

2018 Conference Program Committee Report: Mary Ann Lefevre

Mary Ann reported there are 231 registered attendees at the Conference. All the trips went and were successful.

Report of the Officers

Membership: Lisa DeVos

As of March 31, 2018, we have 79 Organizational Members and 1,412 Individual Members. The organizational membership consists of 72 zoos and aquariums, 2 affiliates, and 5 comps. The individual membership is identified as 1,362 docents, 44 associates, and 6 volunteers. This is an increase of 1 organizational member and an increase of 10 individual members. The following organizations have newly joined or rejoined since September 30, 2017 - Friends of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo (rejoin); Greenville Zoo (new); Seneca Park Zoo (rejoin); Zoo Knoxville (rejoin).

Symbiosis Newsletter: Katie Licht

Two issues of Symbiosis have been sent since the Greensboro Conference. As of 2018 more electronic copies are being sent than hard copies.

Conference Advisory: Tim Kouba

Tim was proud to announce that the Board had approved the Conferences for 2019 & 2020.

  • 2019: Greenville Zoo; Greenville, SC (September 25-28).
  • 2020: Louisville Zoo; Louisville, KY (Dates TBA).

Public Relations: Lisa DeVos

The Louisville Zoo has been added as a reciprocal member. Show your AZADV membership card and you will receive 50% off your admission. Pins and patches are available from Lisa.

Extension: Mary Ramsey

Katie Licht is handling the development of our new website and will talk about that later. The Ad Hoc Education Committee will be forming in conjunction with the launching of our new website. Please contact Mary if you are tech savvy and interested in being on the committee. There are 677 members on our Facebook page and over 300 responses were received to the Facebook Survey. Mary reviewed the new Facebook guidelines which were included in the delegates’ packets. She praised our Facebook monitors, Helen Lee and Kim Houk, for doing an excellent job of monitoring the postings.

San Diego Zoo Global Academy: Katie Licht

Lisa DeVos, AZADV Chair, signed a 3 year contract with SDZGA. It is only available to individual members of AZADV. The program is for professional development and will not replace any training at your institutions. Katie is hoping that by Saturday AZADV members can sign up at a discounted rate of $135 per person per year. Additional discounts for team memberships may also be available. Katie will be giving a paper presentation on the new website and the SDZGA Saturday at 3:15 PM.

Treasurer’s Report: Kay Johnson

As of March 31, 2018, we had $150,118.23 in all accounts. Multi-year memberships are increasing. The audit report for 2017-2018 has been posted in the Hospitality room. The 2018-2019 budget was adopted as presented by Kay.

Travel Committee Report: Bert DeVries

Bert reported that the trip to South Africa and Botswana in 2017 was very successful. She then announced the 3 trips the Board has approved for 2018 & 2019.

  • ”A Tapestry of Wildlife & Nature” (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Chobe, & The Okavango Delta in Botswana), November 3-14, 2018
  • “Volcanoes, Beaches, Rain Forests & Wildlife” (Costa Rica), January 14-21, 2019
  • Belize with Bill Konstant in early November 2019.

Itineraries for Africa and Costa Rica are available now. Belize will be available soon. Starting with the 2018 trip, AZADV will be receiving a stipend from the tour operator and will use these funds to make a contribution to a conservation organization/effort supporting the geographical area of the trip.

Committee Reports

Bylaws Committee: Lisa DeVos

No proposed amendments to the Bylaws were submitted this year.

Education Grants: Lisa DeVos

Applications for an Educational Grant were extended to September 1. Three grants of $2,000 each can be awarded - one each in the large zoo category, medium zoo category, and small zoo category. The money will be given in November 2018.

Nominating Committee Report: Peggy Moss

Peggy thanked her committee and gave the report of the Nominating Committee for the Executive Board 2018-2019. Due to the fact that one of the nominees did not qualify for office, their name was removed. Since there were no nominations from the floor, the slate was then approved as presented below.

  • Director of Conference Advisory: Tim Kouba, Oklahoma City Zoo
  • Director of Extension: Mary Ramsey, Albuquerque BioPark
  • Membership Chairperson: Lisa DeVos, Essex County Turtle Back Zoo
  • Newsletter Editor: Katie Licht, Potter Park Zoo
  • Secretary: Toni Tront, Detroit Zoo
  • Treasurer: Julie Reinbrecht, Mesker Park Zoo

Nominating Committee 2018

The organizations not eligible to have members on the Nominating Committee are Woodland Park Zoo, Milwaukee County Zoo. Philadelphia Zoo, Houston Zoo, Bronx Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, Louisville Zoo, Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, Greensboro Science Center, Bergen County Zoo, Minnesota Zoo, and the Santa Ana Zoo. Five members and one alternate were nominated and elected: Nancy Benson, St. Louis Zoo; Erin Hager, Oregon Zoo; Pat Lannon, Buffalo Zoo; Jennifer Koehrsen, Pittsburgh Zoo; Betty Dunger, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo; Shari LaRue, Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center. At a meeting of the committee after the Delegates meeting Betty Dunger, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, was elected Chair.


Since there was no further business, the Delegates Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Roberta “Bert” DeVries, AZADV Secretary