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2011 Delegate Meeting Minutes

August 30, 2011
Memphis, Tennessee

AZAD Chairman Robert Shaff called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at the Memphis Downtown Marriott, Memphis TN. He welcomed the Delegates and observers to the meeting. He then introduced the Executive Board: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extension/Chairman; Patty Whitecotton, Oklahoma City Zoo, appointed Parliamentarian; Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer; Rae Leah Sidwell, Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; and Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary. Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory, resigned her position in June 2011 due to health reasons. The position was not filled with the date being so close to conference and the current nominee, Cheryl Hayes, Memphis Zoo was busy with this year’s conference.

Betty Berlin from Memphis Zoo gave the report of the Credentials Committee. Thirty-nine (39) delegates were seated at the call to order. Three (3) delegates did not check-in. The number of eligible votes was thirty-nine (39) delegates plus six (6) Executive Board members for a total of forty-five (45) votes. The delegates adopted the report of the Credentials Committee. Two (2) delegates arrived after the call to order. Robert Shaff, Director – Extension read the roll call of zoos/aquariums.

Robert Shaff introduced the 2011 Regional Conference Chair Cheryl Hayes, Memphis Zoo. Barry Lesnik, National Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee Chairman was unable to attend therefore Robert Shaff read the Convention Rules. The Convention Rules were adopted.

Cheryl Hayes, Memphis Zoo, Conference Chair, welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. She gave a brief overview of the various activities during the conference.

The 2012 Los Angeles National Conference is our 25th Anniversary. In 1987 the first advertised AZAD conference was held while the two prior conferences were organizational meetings.

Mary Haga reported that as of August 2011 we have 106 Organizational Members and 1,959 Individual Members. The individual memberships consist of 1,826 Docents, 56 Associates, and 74 Inactive members and 1 that did not declare any category. This is a decrease of 112 members and 1 organizational member since Chicago 2010. We welcome the following new and rejoining organizations since the Chicago Meeting: San Diego Zoo, Elmwood Park Zoo Docents, Turtle Back Zoo Volunteers, and Charles Paddock Zoo. Unfortunately, we lost the following Zoos as Organizational Members: Cabrillo Marine Aquarium Volunteers, Calgary Zoo Docents, Fort Worth Zoo, and Lee Richardson Zoo Docents. Mary asked the delegates to go back to their zoos and encourage new docents from training classes to join as well as the veteran docents who are not currently members.

Charlotte Powell, Treasurer, gave the financial report for the year ending October 31, 2010 submitted by Kathy Schaeffer, previous Treasurer. Total funds in were $56,109.34, the main source was from membership dues of $34,157 and $19,866.84 was transferred from savings. A copy of the full expenditure report is available at hospitality.

The annual auditor’s report was completed by Bruce T. Hall CPA and a full copy is available at hospitality for review.

Charlotte reviewed the copy in the delegate’s packet of the proposed budget for fiscal year November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012. The proposed 2011 – 2012 budget was adopted by the delegates.

Beverly Slaughter, Newsletter Editor reported that beginning October 2011 Symbiosis will be sent via e-mail only unless a hard copy was requested. However, organizational members will still receive a hard copy. She asked the delegates to remind their docents and that if they want a hard copy to send a request. To share the benefits of the e-version, it is in color and there is a link to view past issues which is not available through the AZAD website.

The e-version is sent from Chimp Mail via e-mail address

Robert Shaff gave the report of the Extension Committee.

Robert reported on the Travel Committee for Bert DeVries, who was unable to attend. A trip is planned to Vietnam in March 2012, information flyers are available. She is also working on a variety of trips planned around the Los Angeles Conference to San Francisco, San Diego and Hawaii.

Robert then introduced Amanda Galiano of the website committee. Amanda reported that there were 10,000 unique visitors to the website, 28% Conferences, 7% Join AZAD, 6% Symbiosis, 5% Travel with AZAD, and 4% What’s New. The web server is scheduled to be updated in September 2011 which will help with connection and security issues. As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011 the Travel Survey and Extension Survey will be posted and available on the website. We are also on Facebook.

The Extension Survey has been completed. A total of 94 invitations were sent out and 61 were returned. The Extension Survey results will be at hospitality for review during the conference and posted on the AZAD website.

Rae Leah Sidwell gave the report of the Public Relations Committee. The final editing of the “What is AZAD?” CD is being completed and copies will be sent to help encourage membership. Postage rules have changed and as of November 2010 we are charging $2.50 for postage. Pins and patches will be available for sale in the raffle room.

Robert Shaff gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. Robert reported that Detroit Zoo withdrew its bid to host the 2013 Conference: due to economic conditions the administration was unwilling to sign any contracts. He also reported that he was contacted by Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, WA who expressed interest in possibly doing a business meeting in 2013.

On behalf of The Bylaws and Rules Committee, Robert Shaff reported that there were no changes submitted at this time.

Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, representing the 2010 – 2011 Nominating Committee, gave the report of the committee. The committee members were Gordon Everett, Buffalo Zoo; Mark Hewitt, Phoenix Zoo; Donna McGill, Philadelphia Zoo; Vickie O’Neil, St. Louis Zoo and Alternate Mary Ramsey, Albuquerque Biopark. She then read the slate of officers for 2011 – 2012: Cheryl Hayes, Memphis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Larry Martin, Maryland Zoo, Director – Extensions; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Seneca Park Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary; and Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer. The nominations were open to the floor for each board position individually. There were no further nominations.

The nominations were closed.

Nominations for candidates for the 2011-2012

Nominating Committee were opened. The following were nominated: Ellen Kullie, Detroit Zoo; Mary Fulks, Staten Island Zoo; Patti Villareal, Oregon Zoo; Bob Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo; Van Harris, Memphis Zoo; and Alternate Diane Cooney, Cameron Park. There were no further nominations.

The nominations were closed.

The meeting took a short recess.

The election of the Executive Board for 2011–2012 was held. The nominations were closed earlier in the meeting.

Each board position was read and voted upon separately. Each was unanimously approved. The 2011–2012 Executive Board will be: Cheryl Hayes, Memphis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Larry Martin, Maryland Zoo, Director – Extensions; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter-Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary; and Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer.

The election of the 2011–2012 Nominating Committee was held. There was a motion to vote the ballots of candidates as a group, it was seconded and unanimously passed. A motion was made to accept the ballot of candidates as is, it was seconded and unanimously passed. The members of the Nominating Committee will be: Ellen Kullie, Detroit Zoo; Mary Faulks, Staten Island Zoo; Patti Villareal, Oregon Zoo; Bob Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo; Van Harris, Memphis Zoo; and Alternate Diane Cooney, Cameron Park.

The Nominating Committee will meet immediately after the meeting to elect their Chairman.

Robert Shaff introduced Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo. She gave a brief description of the 2012 National Conference to be held October 1 – October 6, 2012. More information about the conference will be presented at the closing banquet.

Carolyn Farnham, Potter Park Zoo, Chairman of the Educational Grants Committee was unable to attend therefore therefore Robert Shaff reported only one grant was awarded for 2011 to Seneca Park Zoo – Year of the Turtle.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm.