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2010 Delegate Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2010
Brookfield, Illinois

AZAD Chairman Robert Shaff called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at the Oak Brook Hills Marriott Resort Oak Brook Hills, Illinois. He welcomed the Delegates and observers to the meeting. He then introduced the Executive Board: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extension/Chairman; Patty Whitecotton, Oklahoma City Zoo, appointed Parliamentarian; Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer; Rae Leah Sidwell, Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; and Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary.

Marilyn Catalanello from Brookfield Zoo gave the report of the Credentials Committee. Forty-six (46) delegates were seated at the call to order. The number of eligible votes was forty-six (46) delegates plus seven (7) Executive Board members for a total of fifty-three (53) votes. The delegates adopted the report of the Credentials Committee. Robert Shaff, Director – Extension read the roll call of zoos/aquariums.

Robert Shaff introduced the 2010 Regional Conference Chair Dave Heim, Brookfield Zoo.

Anne Hengesbach, Detroit Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee Chairman read the Convention Rules as published in the newsletter. The Convention Rules were adopted.

Dave Heim, Brookfield Zoo, Conference Chair, gave the report of the Program Committee. He welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He gave a brief description of when the various activities of the conference were occurring. The Earthwatch Institute Research Expedition Raffle trip “Macaws of the Peruvian Amazon” is no longer available since all trips are based on need.

Mary Haga, Membership Chairman reported that as of August 2010 we have 107 Organizational Members and 2,071 Individual Members. The individual memberships consist of 1,933 Docents, 62 Associates, and 75 Inactive members and 1 that did not declare any category. We welcome the following new and rejoining organizations since the Pittsburgh Meeting: Palm Beach Zoo and Albuquerque Biological Park. Unfortunately, we lost the following Zoos as Organizational Members: Dickerson Park Zoo Docents, Erie Zoological Society, International Crane Foundation, Lehigh Valley Zoo, Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum Docents, Turtle Back Zoo Volunteers, and Zoo New England Franklin Park.

Mary has proposed changes to the membership process. The membership chair was given the authority at last year’s delegates meeting. Renewal forms and membership cards will be sent by email to any member who has an email address on file. Any member who does not have an email address on file will receive a post card as usual. Any member whose email comes back as undeliverable will receive a post card. Post cards are often misplaced, and even if they are not, they need to be folded or cut in order to be placed in an envelope to be sent to the treasurer – the email could be printed and sent. It may also be possible to use the same process for membership cards. People could then print on whatever kind of paper they wanted. This process, however, would need some further research on her part to see if it is feasible since, unlike the renewal form, each individual would receive a different document. But she believes it is possible to set up a mail merge document, which would send each individual their own card, but it has not been worked out yet.

Kathy Schaeffer, Treasurer, gave the financial report for the fiscal year November 1, 2008 through October 31, 2009. Total funds in were $50,858.58 and were comprised of $32,358.58 of operating funds mainly budgeted items including membership dues, merchandise sales and interest income. Additionally, $18,500.00 was transferred from savings. Total funds paid out were $47,591.02; funds in exceeded funds paid out by $3,267.56. A copy of the expenditure detail report was provided and Kathy stated if anyone had any questions they should see her.

Kathy then asked the delegates to consider the letter from Bruce T Hall, Certified Public Accountant. This firm completed the Agreed Upon Procedures report and the organization’s annual tax return. She read the following statement from the report: “In summary, all deposits and disbursements as reported in the bank statements for the above noted period have been included on the Treasurer’s report of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balances that is provided to the board. We have included recommendations to the board on certain bookkeeping functions.” A full copy of the CPA report is available in the hospitality room as previously agreed upon in our efforts to go green.

Kathy addressed the proposed budget for 2010 – 2011. She asked that everyone refer to the proposed budget that they received in their delegate’s packet. The budget incorporates a 5.81% decrease in expenditures over last year’s budget and a 5.41% decrease in income. She explained that unrestricted funds have been used to cover budget deficits and is depleting savings. Several options addressing this issue will be discussed later in the meeting.

Beverly Slaughter, Newsletter Editor reported that for July 2010, 2,176 newsletters were mailed and 211 were sent electronically for a total of 2,387. But at this time the distribution of electronic vs. hard copy for July 2009 and 2010 is only 9.24% we are only up 3.17% from last year. We should have more members receiving Symbiosis by email. Beverly would like to see this number increase to 50% in the coming year. She plans to send the January 2011 issue via e-mail and hard copy so that members can see both for comparison. She had the delegates refer to the insert in their packets. There is an index of past issues on the website. These efforts are not only an effort of going green but also a cost savings to be discussed later in the meeting.

Beverly asked the delegates to send her copies of their zoo’s newsletter because they are a great resource for articles and that if they did not have a newsletter to send a short article with photos.

Robert Shaff gave the report of the Extension Committee. He is still working on anything that can be done to make the meeting and AZAD Greener. As previously agreed, membership lists are no longer included in the delegates packet but are available in the hospitality room.

Robert updated the delegates on the status of the Extension Survey which will be completed on-line through Zoomerang and occur every three (3) or four (4) years. The questions are mostly multiple choice and results will be available on the website. Robert had the delegates refer to the handout in their packet for the timeline and more information as well as placed a hard copy of the survey in the hospitality room for review during the conference.

Robert reported that there are three (3) AZAD trips planned: Amazon Rainforest, Peru November 12-21, 2010; San Juan Islands, Seattle June 19-25, 2010; and Morocco October 22-November 3, 2011. He then referred the delegates to the travel survey in their packets to be completed at the request of Bert DeVries, Chairman of the Travel Committee, who was unable to attend.

Robert then introduced Amanda Galiano of the website committee. Amanda announced that the updated website went live on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Links to Facebook, Twitter and Flicker were added. Access to the message board was made easier. She reported that there were 4,000 visitors to the main page, 7,000 visitors to the conference page, and that the April 2010 issue of Symbiosis was the most visited.

Rae Leah Sidwell gave the report of the Public Relations Committee. She informed the delegates that we will begin charging postage for pin and patch orders. She will research the postage cost and the order form will be updated to reflect this change. There is an inventory of 684 pins and 593 patches. Rae Leah reminded the delegates that we send sympathy cards to member’s family and asked that she be notified in a timely manner.

Kaye Quentin gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. She reported she had many emails from Dave Heim, Conference chair and others from his committee regarding things that have come up concerning the conference. She has also been in contact with the chairs of the Memphis Conference, Cheryl Hays and Jessica Mann regarding their conference and their progress – both have given good reports.

One of the stumbling blocks for Chicago has been in getting vendors for the Wildside Room. For awhile Brookfield was afraid they would not be able to have one, but that has been resolved. Kaye worked with them by securing the names that were used at the Saint Louis 2007 conference and a few others. Memphis is also working to secure vendors and have been contacting Chicago for help. With the economy being what it has been lately a lot of the vendors don’t want to get involved.

Other contacts Kaye had regarding this and other conferences were from conference planners, who wanted to help us secure hotels, provide music, etc. Each of them received an email informing them that the AZAD Conferences were planned by the host cities and handled within their own organization.

Anne Hengesbach, Detroit Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee Chairman gave the report of the Bylaws and Rules Committee. The committee members were Mildred Keso, Oklahoma City Zoo and Barry Lesnik, National Zoo. The committee recommends the proposed changes.

Requested change proposed by Beverly Slaughter, as an individual member of AZAD to Article IV, Section 3 – Term: There shall be a two (2) year interim between holding a board position and being eligible for renomination to elected office. After discussion a motion to adopt this change was made and seconded. Passed by a vote of 51 for and 2 against.

Requested change proposed by Lisa DeVos, Secretary on behalf of the Board to Article VI, Add Section 8 – Executive Board: The Executive Board shall have the authority to remove a member of the board for failure to fulfill their assigned duties. After discussion, two (2) additional changes were proposed: 1) And to appoint an interim member until the next election; and 2) Assigned duties shall be those included in the Bylaws and written Job Descriptions.

A motion to adopt the original change was made and seconded. Passed by a vote of 51 for and 2 against. A motion to adopt the first additional change was made and seconded. Passed by a vote of 53 for and 0 against. A motion was made to adopt the second additional change was made and seconded. Passed by a vote of 52 for and 1 against.

Michael Gillen, Riverside Zoo, representing the 2009 – 2010 Nominating Committee, gave the report of the committee. The committee members were Mary Anderson, Potter Park Zoo; Linda Brown, Louisville Zoo; Anita Herring, Nashville Zoo; and Alternate Derrill Rothemich, El Paso Zoo upon the resignation of Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo. He then read the slate of officers for 2010 – 2011: Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extensions; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary; and Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer. The nominations were open to the floor for each board position individually. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.

Nominations for candidates for the 2010 – 2011 Nominating Committee were opened. The following were nominated: Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium; Vickie O’Neil, St. Louis Zoo; Mark Hewitt, Phoenix Zoo; Donna McGill, Philadelphia Zoo; Gordon Everett, Buffalo Zoo; and Alternate Mary Ramsey, Albuquerque Biopark. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.

The election of the Executive Board for 2010 – 2011 was held. The nominations were closed earlier in the meeting. Each board position was read separately for a vote by acclamation. The 2010 – 2011 Executive Board will be: Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extensions; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary; and Charlotte Powell, Philadelphia Zoo, Treasurer.

The election of the 2010 – 2011 Nominating Committee was held. The members of the Committee will be: Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium; Vickie O’Neil, St. Louis Zoo; Mark Hewitt, Phoenix Zoo; Donna McGill, Philadelphia Zoo; Gordon Everett, Buffalo Zoo; and Alternate Mary Ramsey, Albuquerque Biological Park. The Nominating Committee would meet immediately after the meeting with Patty Whitecotton, Parliamentarian to elect their Chairman.

Robert Shaff introduced Laurie Machen, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Chairman of the Educational Grants Committee. The committee members were: Karen Emanuelson, Detroit Zoo; Carolyn Farnham, Potter Park Zoo; William Hamilton, Nashville Zoo; and Kathleen Hawkins, Riverside Zoo. Laurie reported the recipients of the 2010 grants are the Philadelphia Zoo – Year of the Reptile; John Ball Zoo – The Zoo Doers: Animal Buttons and Collector’s Cards; and Toledo Zoo – Behind the Scenes at the Animal Care Center. Additional information regarding these grants was in the delegate’s packet.