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2009 Delegate Meeting Minutes

26th August 2009
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

AZAD Chairman Michael Gillen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. on Wednes- day 26th August 2009 at the Sheraton at Station Square Pittsburgh, PA. He welcomed the Delegates and observers to the meeting. He then introduced the Executive Board Michael J Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary/Chairman; Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasur- er; Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director – Conference Advisory; Bob Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extension; Rae Leah Sidwell, Henry Doorly Zoo Director – Public Relations; and Patty Whitecotton, Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Gardens appointed Parliamentarian.

Sue Lebanik from the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium gave the report of the Credentials Committee. Thirty-six delegates were seated at the call to order. The number of eligible votes was Thirty-six delegates plus seven Executive Board members for a total of forty-three votes. The delegates adopted the report of the Credentials Committee.

Bob Shaff, Director – Extension read the roll call of zoos/aquariums.

Michael Gillen introduced the 2009 Regional Conference Co-Chairs Betty Borgman, Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium and Brian Moroney, National Aviary.

Anne Hengesbach, Detroit Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee Chairman read the Convention Rules as published in the newsletter. The Convention Rules were adopted.

Betty Borgman, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Co-chairman, gave the report of the Program Committee. She welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for coming. She gave a brief description when the various activities of the conference were occurring.

Jim Bartos, Membership Chairman, stated that as of August 2009 there were 112 Organizational members and 2,091 individual members of AZAD. Of this number, 1,955 were Active Docents, 49 were Associate members and 86 were Inactive Docents. Since AZAD 2008, there had been a decrease of 46 AZAD individual members, and the Organizational members number remains the same. The following zoos/ aquariums were new and/or rejoining members since AZAD 2008: Birmingham Zoo, Calgary Zoo Docents, Tennessee Aquarium and Zoo of North East Wisconsin. He reported that the following Organizational members did not renew their membership: Aquarium of the Pacific, Happy Hollow Park & Zoo Docents, Roger Williams Park Zoo and Trailside Museums & Zoo/Trailside Docents. Several zoos received a “Final Notice” letter. The above mentioned zoos were the only ones not responding. Jim thanked his committee members Linda McKinney, Cincinnati Zoo and Kathy Hogue of the Maryland Zoo at Baltimore for their help.

Kathy Schaeffer, Treasurer, gave the financial report for the fiscal year ending 31 October 2008. She thanked the members of the Budget and Finance Committee during the past year, Joan Sutphen, Houston Zoo and Laurel Shannon, Cameron Park for their service. Total funds in were $73,453.86 and were comprised of $35,443.86 of operating funds mainly budgeted items including membership dues, merchandise sales and interest income. Additionally, $38,010 was received from unbudgeted sources. This includes $1,500 registration rebate from Columbus and $18,260 registration rebate along with $12,970 transferred from savings. She reported that membership was down. It was only 89% of the budgeted amount.

Total funds paid out were $48,386.64; funds in exceeded funds paid out by $25,067.22. During the fiscal year funds spent for major purchases: $6,260 passing Saint Louis attendee money to Brook- field, $700 for Delegate stars, $3,000 for un-awarded grants from 2006, and $900 for board liability insurance. These figures also reflect monies in & out refunded for the cancelled Elephant Class. The ending balance of $134,205.34 was comprised of a checking account balance of $3,117.25, funds invested in certificates of deposit of $89,330.59, Cash Management Savings of $20,623.86 and cost of merchandise inventory of $371.70. The ending fund balance is reserved for the following purposes: Major Purchases Fund, $2,000; Disaster Relief Fund, $500; Future Projects Fund, $4,000; and AZAD Board Grants, $3,000.

Kathy then asked the delegates to consider the letter from Bruce T Hall, Certified Public Accountant. This firm completed the Agreed Upon Procedures report and the organization’s annual tax return. She read the following statement from the report: “In summary, all deposits and disbursements as reported in the bank statements for the above noted period have been included in the Treasurer’s report of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balances that is provided to the Board. We have included recommendations to the board on certain bookkeeping functions.”

Kathy addressed the proposed budget for 2009 – 2010. She asked that everyone refer to the proposed budget that they received in their delegate’s packet. The budget incorporates a 41.23% increase in expenditures over last year’s budget and a 5.13% decrease in income. She explained that there was a budgeted deficit and that the board has decided not to increase membership dues but to use unrestricted funds to cover the budgeted deficit. She reported that the decrease in income for the proposed budget was due to declining membership. She encouraged everyone to go back to their respective zoos and encourage docents to join. The delegates adopted the proposed budget.

Kathy next read the auditor’s report. The report was prepared by Bruce T Hall, CPA.

Beverly Slaughter, Newsletter Editor, reported that 1861 Newsletters were mailed out for the July issue of Symbiosis. There were also 130 individuals that receive the electronic version of Symbiosis for a total of 1991. Beverly had the delegates refer to the insert in their packets. It is the sample cover sheet of the next issue of Symbiosis in color. She encouraged all the delegates to take it back to their zoos and post it for all the members to see what the color version would look like. She asked that if anyone would like to receive the electronic version to contact her by e-mail after the conference.

Bob Shaff gave the report of the Extension Committee. Bob reminded the delegates that if they would like information about subjects contained on the survey from other zoos to let him know. Bob informed the delegates that he was going to try online survey site to host the next survey. The results of that survey will be available on the website.

Bob reported that the AZAD trip to China had two departures with 39 attendees. There were also 8 participants at the Wolves of Yellowstone trip. Then he introduced Bert DeVries, Chairperson of the Travel Committee. Bert informed the delegates of the upcoming trip to the Amazon. There will be two departures with a limit of twelve individuals each.

Bob then gave the report for the website committee, chaired by Amanda Galiano. Bob asked that if the delegates have problems finding things on the new website to let him know so they can get those changes made. Beverly Slaughter added that everyone should utilize the message board to ask specific question that they might want answered about how other zoos or aquariums do things.

Rae Leah Sidwell gave the report of the Public Relations Committee. She informed the delegates that the board updated the order form to reflect the change that there is no longer a discount given for ordering 10 or more pins. The new order form is located on both the website and in Symbiosis. Pins are $3 and Patches are $1. Pins sold since last year total 67 and 49 patches have been sold.

Mary Murphy gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. She reported that the dates for the Brookfield Conference are September 7-12 2010. Their conference will be at the Marriott Oak Brook Hills Resort. She informed everyone that they would be hearing more about the conference later on in the meet- ing. She then reported that Memphis Zoo is hosting the conference in 2011 from August 30-September 4th at the Marriott Hotel downtown at the Convention Center.Mary Murphy gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. She reported that the dates for the Brookfield Conference are September 7-12 2010. Their conference will be at the Marriott Oak Brook Hills Resort. She informed everyone that they would be hearing more about the conference later on in the meeting. She then reported that Memphis Zoo is hosting the conference in 2011 from August 30-September 4th at the Marriott Hotel downtown at the Convention Center.

Anne Hengesbach, Detroit Zoo, Bylaws and Rules Committee member gave the report of the Bylaws Committee. No changes suggested by the membership, the board, or the committee.

Al Notter, Little Rock Zoo, representing the 2008–2009 Nominating Committees, gave the report of the committee. The committee members were Tim Sutton, Zoo Northwest Florida; Mary Rosenberger, Denver Zoo; Stan Myers, Good Zoo; Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo; and Elizabeth Jacobs, San Antonio Zoo. He then read the slate of officers for 2009–2010: Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo Director – Con- ference Advisory; Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extension; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo, Membership Chair- man; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo, Secretary; Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer. The nominations were open to the floor for each board position individually. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.

Nominations for candidates for the 2009 – 2010 Nominating Committee were opened. The following were nominated: Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo; Michael Gillen, Riverside Zoo; Linda Brown, Louisville Zoo; Anita Herring, Nashville Zoo; Derrill Rothermich, El Paso Zoo; and Mary Anderson, Potter Park. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.

A motion was made from the floor to have the person not selected to be on the Nominations Committee be selected as the alternate. The motion was approved by acclimation.

Michael next gave the recommendations from the board. The AZAD board recommends that we eliminate the printing of the membership cards for a savings of over $600 in postage alone. After receiving feedback from the delegates, the board asked to have their recommendation withdrawn. The delegates approved the withdrawing of the recommendation by acclimation. It was decided that the new membership chairman would come up with an alternative plan.

The election of the Executive Board for 2009–2010 was held. The nominations were closed earlier in the meeting. Each board position was read separately for a vote by acclamation. The 2009 – 2010 Executive Board will be: : Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo Director – Conference Advisory; Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director – Extension; Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, Director – Public Relations; Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo, Membership Chairman; Beverly Slaughter, Ellen Trout Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Lisa DeVos, Bronx Zoo Secretary; Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer.

The election of the 2009–2010 Nominating Committee was held. The members of the Committee will be: Mary Haga, Detroit Zoo; Michael Gillen, Riverside Zoo; Linda Brown, Louisville Zoo; Anita Herring, Nashville Zoo; and Mary Anderson, Potter Park. The alternate will be Derrill Rothermich, El Paso Zoo.

A motion was made to allow the Nominating Committee to elect their Chairperson. The delegates voted and it was approved by acclamation.

New Business

The board has decided that the membership lists will not be included in next years delegate packets. This is to protect the privacy of the member’s information. It will also save a lot of paper. The Board informed the delegates that a copy of the membership list will be available at future conferences in the hospitality room list will not contain address, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses of the members.

Betty Dunbar, Los Angeles Zoo presented a bid for AZAD 2012 to be hosted by the Los Angeles Zoo docents. The dates for the conference are October 1st – October 7th. The delegates approved the bid by acclimation.

Michael Gillen introduced Dave Heim, Brookfield Zoo Co-Chair of the 2010 National Conference. He gave a brief description of the upcoming conference. More information about the conference will be at the closing session.

Michael Gillen introduced Diane Cooney, Cameron Park Zoo, Chairman of the Educational Grants Committee. She thanked her committee members; Becky Poole, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo; Becky Diesenroth, Seneca Park Zoo, Katy Hawkins, Riv- erside Zoo, and Laurie Machen, Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium. Diane reported to the Delegates the recipients of the 2009. The recipients for the 2009 grants are the Detroit Zoo, Potter Park, and the Little Rock Zoo. Additional information regarding these grants was available in the last issue of Symbiosis.

There was no other business.

There being no further business, the meet- ing was adjourned at 9:58 p.m.

Michael J Gillen, Secretary