September 25, 2007
AZAD Chairman Diane Cooney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 25 September 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Saint Louis, MO. She welcomed the Delegates and observers to the meeting. She then had the Executive Board introduce themselves: Michael J Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary; Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, Membership Chairman; Ben Carpenter, Memphis Zoo, Board appointed Parliamentarian; Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Diane Cooney, Cameron Park Zoo, Director - Extension; Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director - Public Relations; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director - Conference Advisory and Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer.
Credentials Report
Marianne Unanue, Saint Louis Zoo, gave the report of the Credentials Committee. Fifty-four delegates were seated at the call to order. The number of eligible votes was fifty-four delegates plus seven Executive Board members for a total of sixty-one votes. The delegates adopted the report of the Credentials Committee.
Roll Call and Introductions
Diane Cooney, Director - Extension read the roll call of zoos/aquariums.
Diane introduced 2007 National Conference Chairman Louise Rovak.
Diane then introduced the 2008 Business Meeting Chairpersons Michael Gillen and Jamalee Clark.
Betty Borgman and Brian Moroney were introduced as the chairpersons for the 2009 Regional Conference/Delegates Meeting at Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium / National Aviary.
Mary Anne Lefevre and Marjorie Fink were introduced as the 2009 Regional Chairpersons for Phoenix Regional Conference.
Bylaws Report
Tim Sutton, Zoo of Northwest Florida, Bylaws and Rules Committee Chairman read the Convention Rules as published in the newsletter. The Convention Rules were adopted.
Program Report
Louise Rovak, Saint Louis Conference Chair, gave the report of the Program Committee. She welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for coming. She stated that there are approximately 631 docents registered representing 74 organizations.
Membership Report
Jim Bartos, Membership Chairman, stated that as of August 2007 there were 116 Organizational members and 2284 individual members of AZAD. Of this number, 2141 were Active Docents, 57 were Associate members and 86 were Inactive Docents. Since AZAD 2006, there had been a decrease of four AZAD individual members, and a decrease of 5 Organizational members. The following zoos/aquariums were new and/or rejoining members since AZAD 2006: Capron Park Zoo Docents, Attleboro, MA, Como Zoo Docent Association, Saint Paul, MN and Great Plains Zoo and Delbridge Museum, Sioux Falls, SD. He reported that the following Organizational members did not renew their member- ship: Chimp Haven Sanctuary, Dallas Zoo Docents Inc, Folsom City Zoo, Gladys Porter Zoo Docent Council, International Crane Foundation, Lincoln Park Zoo Docents, Mystic Aquarium Institute for Exploration, and Santa Barbara Zoo. Several zoos received a “Final Notice” letter. The above mentioned zoos were the only ones not responding. Jim thanked his committee members Linda McKinney, Cincinnati Zoo and Rae Leah Sidwell, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo for their help. He also thanked the AZAD Board members for their help.
Financial Report
Kathy Schaeffer, Treasurer, gave the financial report for the fiscal year ending 31 October 2006. She thanked the members of the Budget and Finance Committee during the past year, Joan Sutphen, Houston Zoo and Laurel Shannon, Cameron Park for their service. Total funds in were $46,869 and were comprised of $36,891 of operating funds mainly budgeted items including membership dues, merchandise sales and interest income. Additionally, $9,978 was received from unbudgeted sources: of this $5,940 was received as return of conference assistance funds from the National Zoo.
Total funds paid out were $45,535; funds in exceeded funds paid out by $1,334. During the fiscal year $1,424 was spent for major purchases: $274 for AZAD Executive pins, $250 for registering AZAD in the state of PA and $900 for board liability insurance. The ending balance of $116,193 was comprised of a checking account balance of $6,739, $40,000 transitioned to new checking account, funds invested in certificates of deposit of $68,757 and cost of merchandise inventory of $697. The ending fund balance is reserved for the following purposes: Major Purchases Fund, $697; Disaster Relief Fund, $500; Future Projects Fund, $8,000; Southeast Regional Conference Fund, $500 and AZAD Board Grants, $1,500.
Kathy then asked the delegates to consider the letter from Wade & Company, LLP, a Houston-based CPA firm. This firm completed the Agreed Upon Procedures report and the organization’s annual tax return. She read the following statement from the report: “In summary, all deposits and disbursements as reported in the bank statements for the above noted period have been included in the Treasurer’s report of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balances that is provided to the Board. We have included recommen- dations to the board on certain bookkeeping functions.”
Kathy addressed the proposed budget for 2007 - 2008. She asked that everyone refer to the proposed budget that they received in their delegate’s packet. The budget incorporates a 17.25% increase in expenditures over last year’s budget and a 3.88% increase in income. She explained that there was a budgeted deficit and that the board has decided not to increase membership dues but to use unrestricted funds to cover the budgeted deficit. She also informed the delegates that the changes to the various board positions with an increase or decrease are due to the grouping of various AZAD expenses such as those associated with the delegates meeting.
A question came from the floor as to if and how the board has addressed the recommendations of Wade & Company, LLP. The board reported that we have increased the amount of the Education Grants awarded by AZAD to three $1,000 grants. They were originally $500 each. We also continue to award two free individual membership renewals per month. The board is also going to reimburse one registration fee to each docent authored/presented paper at the conferences. The board has also approved four additional pages to the January issue of Symbiosis as it will contain several AZAD business related articles. The delegates adopted the proposed budget.
Kathy next read the auditor’s report. The report was prepared by Wade & Company LLP. The auditors report was adopted.
Newsletter Report
Ellen Kulie, Newsletter Editor, reported the themes of the upcoming issues of Symbiosis are: January 2008 as “Community Outreaches”, April 2008 as “Animals and Habitats on the Brink”, and July 2008 as “Inspirations”. She listed the tentative copy deadlines for upcoming issues of Symbiosis. Ellen informed the Delegates that an index of past articles is available on the website. Anyone unable to retrieve this information may contact Ellen to receive a copy. She encouraged everyone to submit articles for Symbiosis. They are normally 250-500 words in length and may be edited. Ellen also requested that anyone who has ideas for articles that would be well suited for the themes please let her know. She is also asking people to submit book and movie reviews. These are short, three to five sentences, about the book or movie. Ellen informed the delegates that 10 % of the docents receive the newsletter electronically and the others receive the printed copy.
Diane Cooney gave the report of the Extension Committee. Dave Heim of Brookfield Zoo and Mary Ann Lefevre of the Phoenix Zoo continued to work on the AZAD database survey. We currently have forms back from 72 member zoos. Delegates from institutions that have not returned their forms are again being asked to comply. Four of those in attendance were given survey forms that we would like to have completed at the conference. The forms may be returned to Diane.
Diane then introduced Bert DeVries, Chairperson of the Travel Committee. The 2008 trips are: February 3-17, 2008 Antarctica “An Expedition to the Lost Continent, which is waitlisted, San Diego Urban Safari, May 1-6, 2008, Elephant Class at the Oregon Zoo, dates are tentatively October 2- 5, 2008 and China, “Pandas, Tigers, Extraordinary Cities and Landmarks” October 9-23, 2008. They may plan a second departure due to the overwhelming interest in the trip.
Diane then introduced the website committee chairman, Liz Turner. She asked that delegates provide member news to her so she can publish it on the website. She stated that the web- site is a place to share information. She reminded everyone the web address is If you have events or new things going on at your zoos contact Liz. The message board is available for docents to use. Book and movie reviews may also be posted on the website. We have permission forms for all papers presented at this conference so that they will be published on the website.
Public Relations Report
Kaye Quentin gave the report of the Public Relations Committee. She sold 18 pins and 41 patches. Pins and patches will be sold in the raffle room. Jim and she had their committee members research the names of zoos and aquariums with volunteer programs. They found over 100 zoos and aquariums with volunteer programs that are not AZAD organizational members. She and Jim will contact them after the conference in hopes that they will join.
Kaye reported that new pamphlets have been printed and the pin supply replenished. She also sends condo- lence cards to the families when an AZAD member passes away. If you know of a member of AZAD who passes away, please forward the infor- mation to Kaye, so that she may get a card sent to the family.
Conference Advisory Report
Mary Murphy gave the report of the Conference Advisory Committee. She informed the delegates that the Business Meeting will be held at Riverside Zoo on June 19th through the 21st 2008.
There will be a Regional Meeting in Phoenix on April 24th through the 26th in 2009 and a Regional Meeting/Delegates Meeting on August 26th through the 29th 2009 at Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium/National Aviary. She informed the delegates that they will hear from the chairs of those meetings and conferences later. She then informed the delegates that we have bids for 2010 and 2011.
David Heim and Deven Amenda, both of the Brookfield Zoo, presented a bid for the 2010 conference. The confer- ence bid was approved by acclamation.
Memphis Zoo Chairpersons, Cheryl Hays and Jessica Mann as well as their delegate Van Harris presented a bid for the 2011 conference. The con- ference bid was approved by acclamation.
Bylaws and Rules Report
Tim Sutton, Zoo of Northwest Florida, Bylaws and Rules Committee member gave the report of the Bylaws Committee. No changes suggested by the membership, the board, or the committee.
Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Chairman of the 2006-2007 Nominating Committee, gave the report of the committee. He thanked the committee members Leslyn Goodrich, Buffalo Zoo, Marianne Unanue, Saint Louis Zoo, Brian Moroney, National Aviary in Pittsburgh Volunteers, Kaye Lynn Carpenter, Milwaukee Zoo and the alternate Ruth Feretti, Trailside Museums & Zoo/Trailside Docents.
He then read the slate of officers for 2007-2008: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director - Extension, Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Membership Chairman; Michael J. Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary, Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director - Conference Advisory, Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director - Public Relations, Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer. The nominations were open to the floor for each board position individually. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.
Nominations for candidates for the 2007-2008 Nominating Committee were opened. The following were nominated: Norma Cole, Woodland Park Zoo; Van Harris, Memphis Zoo; Carol Arns, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium; Barbara Meyer, John Ball Zoo; and Cassady Hudson, Oakland Zoo. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.
Nominations for the alternate candidate for the 2007-2008 Nominating Committee were opened. Aggie Hartigan, Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park was nominated. There were no further nominations. The nominations were closed.
The election of the Executive Board for 2007-2008 was held. The nominations were closed earlier in the meeting. Each board position was read separately for a vote by acclamation. The 2007-2008 Executive Board will be: Robert Shaff, Seneca Park Zoo, Director - Extension; Michael J. Gillen, Riverside Zoo, Secretary; Jim Bartos, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Membership Chairman; Ellen Kulie, Detroit Zoo, Newsletter Editor; Kaye Quentin, Saint Louis Zoo, Director - Public Relations; Mary Murphy, Philadelphia Zoo, Director- Conference Advisory; and Kathy Schaeffer, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Treasurer.
A motion was made to allow the Nominating Committee to elect their Chairperson. The delegates voted and it was approved by acclamation.
New Business
Diane introduced Michael Gillen and Jamalee Clark, Chairpersons of AZAD Business Meeting 2008. Michael introduced Ann Heasty another docent from Riverside Zoo attending the conference. They gave a Power Point presentation about the upcoming Business Meeting to be held June 19th through June 21st 2008. Michael asked that all delegates refer to the pamphlet included in all delegates packets. He reminded everyone that the conference is open only to delegates and their guest. This is a Business Meeting. He asked that if anyone has any questions they can contact the docents at
Diane then introduced Betty Borgman and Brian Moroney, from Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium and National Aviary. They informed the Delegates that their conference will be held on August 27 through 29th, 2009 The Delegates meeting will be held on August 26th. They stated that they will show a PowerPoint during the banquet which will have more infor- mation about their Regional Conference.
Mary Ann Lefevre was introduced next. She is a chairperson from Phoenix Zoo. She let everyone know that their Regional Conference will be on April 24th through the 26th 2009. She stated that there will be a Power Point presentation at the banquet on Saturday.
Diane Cooney, Board Chairperson, gave the report for the Education Grant Committee. She informed the delegates that no applications for AZAD Education Grants were received. Diane reported that the Board Members addressed the recommendations made by Education Committee Chairwoman Jan Estes. The board has increased the amount awarded to $1,000 per year. She encouraged everyone to consider turning in an application for an Education Grant. The board will appoint a new chairperson for the committee at their meeting on Saturday as Jan has completed her second year on the committee. The address where the Grant Applications can be sent will be printed in Symbiosis and posted on the website.
Jim Bartos, Membership Chairperson informed the delegates that the board decided to continue awarding two free annual memberships every month. Twenty-four memberships were awarded last year. The winners are posted on the website and in Symbiosis.
There was no other business.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:59 p. m.
Michael J. Gillen, Secretary